5 Ways to Make Your Instagram Stories Stand Out

With more and more brands joining Instagram and posting Stories on your followers’ feeds, it’s becoming more of a challenge to keep your followers from swiping through your Stories. How do you make your Stories stand out and inspire your followers to stick with them?

Here’s a trade secret: there are so many creative ways you can use the Stories features and format that most users aren’t taking advantage of.

In this post we’ll introduce you to some of the lesser-known tricks that will impress and engage your followers.

1. Get creative with fonts and text effects

Adding text to a Story is pretty straightforward: you just open your Stories camera, add or record your Story, and then tap the text icon. Instagram recently expanded their font options from 4 to 9:

When you scroll through the font color selection, you’ll see 27 color options. You can actually choose any color you want when drawing in Instagram Stories. Simply tap and hold a color — and a whole color palette will appear on your screen! Slide the pin around to select any shade you like.

instagram stories color select

Did you know that you can select different letters or words in the same text and change their color separately? You can even create a rainbow or gradient effect by selecting the whole word, then tapping and holding a color with your right thumb, then sliding your left thumb to the right to deselect the word as you slide your right thumb to the left to move through the color palette. Here’s a quick TikTok tutorial on how to achieve this effect from social media pro @annaarends2:

The background effects look different for the newer fonts, too, so be sure to scroll through those and see what inspires you.

Another fun effect you can create using the text features on Stories is to spell out a word with individual letters and stagger them or arrange them however you like to look like scattered tiles. Or, create a shadow effect by creating identical texts in different colors and setting one just overlapping the other. There’s so much room for creativity here!

2. Use the doodle and erase features to highlight or hide parts of an image

Another under-appreciated feature is the doodle feature. Yes, it lets you add little drawings and arrows to your Stories… but there’s so much more it can do.

First of all, the pen tool can create a solid background. A super easy way to create a solid background is to select any image for your Story, then tap the doodle feature, pick the color you’d like for your background, and tap and hold on the screen.

But that’s not all: the highlighter tool can create a transparent overlay. This is super useful for adding text and other images over an image with lots of colors and details without making it look too “busy.” You add the transparent overlay the same way you add the solid background with the pen feature just select the highlighter tool, pick your color, and tap and hold on the screen:

Now, the eraser is where you can really take this up a level. You can start out with an image, create a solid background over it, and then use the eraser to reveal just one element from the image that’s hiding underneath. This is a fantastic way to highlight a particular subject or object in an image. You can do the same thing with a transparent overlay — it’ll really make your subject pop!

You can also use the eraser feature to doodle through a background or overlay for an interesting “negative space” effect.

3. Use animated GIF stickers

Nothing catches the eye like an animation, and the variety of GIFs available in Instagram is staggering. Invest some time in poking around and looking for GIFs that fit your Story in terms of theme, mood, and color scheme. A strategically placed GIF can really pull a Story together.

You can also create a full screen GIF using Create Mode. Simply head to Create Mode and swipe left on the menu that appears above it to select GIF. Tap “Search GIPHY” and enter your keywords to search for the GIF you want. Create Mode GIFs look like this:

Check out our guide here for full insights on Instagram Story GIFs.

4. Create video Stories with templates

Especially if you’re short on time, a video maker app like Boosted can be a lifesaver. The app provides stunning and stylish templates, stock footage, music, and other effects that make it a cinch to pull together an impressive-looking video Story in just a few minutes.

Templates are fantastic for Stories because they create a visually cohesive video that’s smooth, easy on the eyes, and looks very professional, without the hours and hours of working with design apps (not to mention a great deal of skill and talent) it takes to create something similar on your own.

Here’s a video created with Boosted that we recently shared to @boosted_social‘s Story:

5. Take advantage of sequencing

There’s a reason Stories are called Stories: each slide leads to the next, and taking advantage of that format can really help you pull your Stories together and keep your followers engaged.

Some very simple ways to do this involve using the same background image, but adding or removing an element from each slide in sequence. For example, creating a list and adding just one item to each slide, or creating a sequence of slides that slowly reveal a key element of your image. You can do this right in the Stories camera by creating your first slide, saving the Story as an image (click the “download” icon at the top center of the screen), then altering the Story to create another slide and saving that one, and so on. Once you have all your images, upload them together in the proper sequence:

insta story sequencing

There’s no end to the creative ways you can use the features and format of Stories to create compelling content your followers will love. Invest some time in getting to know the existing features and keep an eye out to see how people are using them to give you more ideas! For more Story inspiration, check out 50 Engaging Instagram Story Ideas for Your Brand.

Action Items:

  • Play around with different ways to use text and fonts to make interesting effects.
  • Use the doodle tools to bring out specific elements in your image.
  • Find an animated GIF that fits your Story perfectly and place it strategically on the image.
  • Try out Boosted to create some quick, professional-looking video Stories.
  • Keep sequencing in mind and try to create a whole experience for your followers using multiple slides.
Instagram Story Ideas

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How Many Times a Day Should You Post to Instagram Stories?

A general rule of thumb you may have heard regarding social media for small businesses is to post at least once a day and no more than three times a day on a given platform. But there are exceptions — and Instagram Stories is one of them.

On most social media feeds, it’s considered rude and spammy to post many times a day because your followers will have to scroll through everything you post to get to the other stuff they might want to see. Posting too often is a surefire way to get yourself unfollowed. But Instagram Stories is, if you’ll pardon the expression, a whole other story: your Stories are all located in one specific section of the feed that is easy to skip over if your followers aren’t interested in seeing everything you have there.

However — and this is a big “however” — just because you can post 100 Stories a day doesn’t mean you should.

While there’s no set formula for calculating the exact numbers of stories you should post per day, taking the following points into consideration will help you find the right rhythm and frequency for your business that will draw your followers in rather than drive them away.

1. Only post content that adds value

Each Story you add to your feed should be of value and interest to your target audience.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be on-brand 100% of the time — sometimes deviating a bit from your usual content is refreshing, especially if you’re doing so to share something personal. But you should still be sure to stick to engaging content that will help your followers get to know you and provide them with information they will appreciate. Don’t post just for the sake of posting.

2. Avoid being spammy and over-promotional

Social media is meant to be a platform for engaging with people and building personal connections. Using it only for advertising undermines that goal, and creates a sense of distance between you and your followers. You can certainly create posts that are pure advertisement, but these should be tucked in between other posts that add value for your followers: inspiration, useful information, and entertainment.

The same is true for your Stories feed. If every time someone clicks on your profile photo on the Story feed, they see another advertisement, they’re going to click past very quickly and may end up unfollowing you.

3. Spice up your Stories

Even if you’re posting the right kind of content, you’re competing with a whole feed for your followers’ attention. If you want to keep their interest, you need to make your Stories stand out.

One easy way to take your Stories up a level is to use Boosted to turn your plain images or footage into standout videos with cool animations, effects, and music. By using the templates in the app, you can also create a series of slides that complement each other and flow nicely in sequence.

Here’s a recent Story from @boosted_social that included a Boosted template:

Be sure to add relevant stickers, too — especially interactive stickers such as polls, questions, and emoji sliders.

4. Use Story analytics as a guide

The best litmus test for how often to post Stories is to look at what actually happens in real time — that is, to keep tabs on your Story analytics within Instagram Insights.

Your analytics will tell you how your Stories are performing and how well they’re holding your followers’ interest. If you notice that followers consistently drop off after 5-6 slides, for example, that may mean you’ve found the upper limit of their attention span. But it also might mean that the last few slides weren’t engaging enough, so it’s important to pay attention to the actual content they’re reacting to and not just the numbers. Trial and error can go a long way here when you’re keeping a close eye on the numbers.

You can learn more about how to view and interpret your Instagram Story analytics in our previous post, Understanding Your Instagram Stories Analytics.

instagram story analytics

The bottom line

When it comes to Instagram Stories, there’s nothing as valuable as consistency. Strive to show up on Stories daily, with at least 3-4 frames posted in a 24 hour period. Sharing Stories daily is much better than the sporadic Story with 10 frames. ⁠

The truth is though, that the right amount of Stories per day depends on many different factors: your industry, your particular audience, and the kind of content you’re putting out. Create a Story strategy that’s customized for you & your business. Be realistic about the time & resources you have available to create content.

Also, while you’re in pursuit of the ideal Instagram Story quantity, don’t lose sight of the quality of your content. There’s no replacement for high-quality, engaging content that makes your followers want to see more from you. For endless Story content inspiration, check out 50 Engaging Instagram Story Ideas for Your Brand.

Action Items:

  • Try using Boosted to make your Stories more engaging.
  • If you haven’t already, familiarize yourself with Instagram Insights and particularly the Story analytics section.
  • Experiment with your Story-posting frequency — but be sure to post only Stories that are relevant and valuable to your audience.
  • Track your analytics carefully and notice any patterns that emerge from the data that may indicate an ideal number of Stories to post per day.
Best time to post to Instagram Stories

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Understanding Your Instagram Stories Analytics

Analytics are an essential tool in social media marketing. They help you measure how your content is performing and figure out how to tweak your strategy to improve your stats, your conversion rates, and ultimately, your bottom line.

In previous posts, we’ve covered how to view and understand your analytics on Instagram (What Exactly Do Your Instagram Insights Mean?) and TikTok (TikTok Analytics: Everything You Need to Know). In this post, we’ll take a deeper dive into Stories analytics on your Instagram Insights.

Accessing Instagram Stories analytics

Only Business and Creator accounts on Instagram have access to Insights, so if you’re still using a personal account, you may want to consider making the switch. See our previous post, Should You Switch to an Instagram Business Account? Pros and Cons to learn more.

Instagram has just made accessing Insights easier: instead of tapping on the hamburger menu icon on the upper right corner of your profile page and selecting it from the menu, you can just tap a convenient button on the right hand side under your bio.

Where to find Instagram Insights

Your Stories analytics will be under the Content tab. Just scroll down past Posts until you see the Stories section.

Instagram Insights: Stories

There you’ll see thumbnails of the last few Stories you’ve posted, with the number of views displayed on the bottom center of each thumbnail.

You can tap “See all” to see all the stories you’ve posted over the past 14 days.

Instagram Stories Analytics

Stories interactions

On the upper left corner, you’ll see a menu button that says “Reach.” You can open this menu to select the various metrics you’d like to look at across all your stories.

Instagram Stories interactions

Here’s what each of them mean:

Back: The number of people who went backwards from this Story post

Calls: The number of people who followed the CTA to Call on your profile

Emails: The number of people who followed the CTA to Email on your profile

Exited: The number of people who swiped away from this Story

Follows: The number of people who started following you because of this Story

Forward: The number of people who tapped forward from this Story

Get Directions: The number of people who tapped Get Directions as a result of this Story

Impressions: The total number of times your post has been viewed — including multiple views from the same user (contrast with Reach below)

Next Story: The number of times people tapped to move to the next Story in their feed

Profile Visits: The number of people who visited your profile as a result of this story

Reach: The number of unique accounts that viewed this Story (so one account that viewed it multiple times counts as 1)

Replies: The number of replies to this Story

You can also tap on a particular Story and swipe up to see specific analytics for that Story.

Instagram Stories analytics

If you used an interactive sticker in your Story, such as a poll or emoji slider, you can tap the eye and bar graph icon that appears on the upper strip (right next to the Insights icon) to see how many people interacted with the sticker and what the average result of your poll was.

The following Story included the question sticker:

How does this information help you?

The metrics listed above tell you how your followers are reacting to your Stories.

Tapping back, for example, means that they wanted to look at a particular Story image or video more than once. This can mean that that post caught their attention and they’d like to spend more time looking at it. That’s generally a good indication that a post was engaging.

Tapping forward, exiting, or moving to the next Story is the opposite: it means didn’t want to spend as much time looking at that slide. This could mean the slide was less engaging.

Profile Visits, Calls, Emails, Get Directions, Replies, and Follows are all indications that a Story has inspired the person viewing it to learn more about your business and engage with you, and that’s a great sign. This is also true of responses to your interactive stickers.

Reach and Impressions are great for giving you a baseline to compare the other metrics to: if most people who viewed your post engaged with it, but the number isn’t that high, that means the post was engaging but didn’t reach a lot of people. If your Reach and Impressions numbers are high but your engagement numbers are low, that means that lots of people are seeing it, but aren’t inspired to engage with it.

Creator Studio

You can also view your Story analytics on Creator Studio. There are two advantages to using Creator Studio: it’s accessible via desktop, and it shows your stats for all the Stories you’ve posted, not just from the past 14 days.

If you haven’t used Creator Studio for Instagram before, click the Instagram icon at the top of the screen and connect your account. You’ll find your Stories in the Content Library under the “Stories” tab.

You’ll see each Story’s Reach right on the chart. You can take a look at each Story’s analytics by clicking the Story on the list.

Knowledge is power — record your analytics!

No matter what you do with the information later, it’s always a good idea to track your analytics. On the app, you can only track Story analytics for up to 14 days — and Creator Studio doesn’t display overall analytics specific to Stories. So it’s important to take time every week or two to record your stats in a spreadsheet for later comparison.

The more information you have, the more you will know about how people are interacting with your posts.

Action Items:

  • If you haven’t already, switch to a Business or Creator account and take a look at your Story Insights.
  • Take note of which Stories seem to be performing the best, and analyze what might have made those posts more successful.
  • Brainstorm some ideas for additional posts that fill those criteria, and see how they perform. Comparing with the previous successful Stories may help you hone in on what is working well and what isn’t.
Instagram Story Analytics

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13 Easy Tips to Give Your Instagram Feed a Makeover

Are you looking for a few quick and easy ways to transform your brand’s Instagram feed? There are tons of small tweaks you can make that will significantly improve the look and feel of your Instagram profile. Keep reading to learn our favorite tips and tricks to upgrade your Instagram feed with an aesthetic makeover.

1. Switch Up Your Bio

You have 150 characters to let everyone know right away what your brand is all about.  If you haven’t updated your bio in awhile, it’s always a good practice to review your Instagram bio and see if there are any important updates that need to be made. Be sure to include a link to your website and don’t be afraid to include emojis for a playful and easy-to-read Instagram bio.

Instagram Expert Elise Darma (@elisedarma) successfully captures the following in her Instagram bio:

  • What her business is all about
  • What value she offers
  • What services she’s currently offering
  • Where her audience could go to purchase those services

Check out our guide here for more insights on how to create a killer Instagram bio.

2. Create a Mood Board

Before you get started giving your brand’s Instagram a makeover, it’s a good idea to create a mood board for what you would like your Instagram feed to look like. Do you want your feed to look light and airy? Or bright and bold? We recommend checking out different Instagram feeds and saving some of their posts to help you get inspired as you create an Instagram mood board.

3. Set Color Rules

If you aren’t already sticking to a color palette on Instagram, this trick will quickly transform your Instagram feed. Instagram is such a visual platform and the “look” of your profile really matters. Help bring your branding to life by utilizing your brand’s colors and sticking to a consistent color palette for all of your posts. For example, if your branding uses a lot of greens and blues, you might want to avoid posting anything with reds or yellows to help you create a more cohesive and aesthetically-pleasing Instagram feed.

Our Instagram feed (@boosted_social) features our branded color scheme:

Boosted Instagram Feed Aesthetic

4. Use The Same Filters or Presets

While we are talking about consistent color palettes, a great tip to give your brand’s Instagram a beautiful makeover is to always use the same 1-3 filters on every single photo you post. You can simply pick a filter on Instagram or in any free photo editing app that compliments your color palette. You can even buy a set of Lightroom presets created by your favorite influencers. Learn more about what a preset is here.

5. Stick to Font Rules

If you are posting custom-made graphics it’s important to always use the same fonts. If you are creating graphics using the fonts included with pre-made templates, your feed will quickly look cluttered. Instead, use the same 2-3 fonts in every graphic and follow some rules about how you use the fonts. For example, some fonts might always be capitalized or only used for quotes. Click here for a beginner’s guide on typography.

6. Take ‘Live’ Photos

If you are using your iPhone to snap photos for your brand’s business, we recommend using the ‘Live’ setting. This way, even if you don’t get the perfect shot you wanted, you can easily edit the ‘key photo’ so you can always get the perfect moment. Pro Tip: You can even upload a live photo to your Instagram story and turn it into a boomerang by holding the photo!

7. Make Grid ‘Rules’

Once you’ve created some guidelines about the colors and photos you’ll be posting, you can start to plan out how your Instagram profile will look by creating grid layout rules. For example, maybe you will mix up your posts by posting a photo and a quote graphic every other post. Following grid rules like this is the easiest way to quickly transform your Instagram feed and help create a more consistent look and feel.

Instagram Coach @shallwesocial has a clearly defined grid rule of alternating graphic images with photography, creating a cohesive, branded look:

8. Test Out Your Grid

Once you have an idea of what ‘rules’ you want to follow when deciding on content to post, you can test out what your Instagram feed will look like before you actually post. Test out your grid by using planning apps to see how a post would look on your feed before you post it. Testing out your posts will help prevent you from posting two photos that are too similar in color or content back to back.

9. Research New Hashtags

Did you know it’s important to not use the same hashtags on every single post? It can seem like a lot of work to always research and test out new hashtags but this is a great way to ensure your Instagram posts will perform better and help you connect with new audiences. Check out our guide here for insights on how to build an effective Instagram hashtag strategy.

 10. Post Some Videos

Instagram isn’t just for beautiful photos! Videos can be more engaging and are a great way to break up the photos in your Instagram feed.  If you don’t want to use videos on your feed, you can post videos to your Instagram Stories. You can use an app like Boosted to create standout video content for both your feed and/or Stories.

 11. Organize Your Highlights

Once you’ve started posting on Instagram Stories, you will definitely want to save all of that great content for your followers to access. The Highlights feature allows you to select collections of Stories to display on your profile page and reuse content you’ve posted. Create and organize several highlights on your Instagram profile to save your best Instagram stories, answer FAQ’s, show new products and more.

12. Create New Highlight Icons

While we are talking about highlights… Did you know you can customize the look and feel of your highlights too? This is a great way to makeover your Instagram feed and bring your branding to life right away. You can easily create new icons using your brand fonts or colors to create consistent and ‘on-brand’ highlight cover images.

Get inspired by @girlboss‘ branded Story Highlights:

13. Find New Accounts to Follow

The best way to find inspiration when making over your brand’s Instagram feed is to find some beautiful accounts to follow to help you see what is working for other brands or influencers. Follow accounts that inspire you with their color palettes, content, photography style and more. Here are 10 social media marketing accounts to start following for inspiration.

We hope that these quick and easy suggestions will help you give your brand’s Instagram a stunning makeover. Don’t forget to have fun with it! There can be a lot of ‘rules’ when it comes to creating an aesthetic Instagram feed but Instagram is a social media platform and it should still be fun to post. If you are looking to give your brand’s Instagram a makeover, test out some of these strategies and see which ones work best for you. 

Instagram Makeover Tips

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Should Your Small Business Promote Instagram Stories? Weighing The Pros & Cons

By: Cori Widen, Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks

By this point, your small business is likely already using Instagram Stories. We love Instagram Stories because they allow small businesses to easily create high-quality, engaging content that disappears after 24 hours. But should small businesses be paying to promote their Instagram Stories as ads?

There are many reasons why a small business owner might consider paying to promote their Instagram Stories such as maximizing reach, increasing views and driving users to their website but are there any reasons a small business might want to avoid promoting their Instagram Stories? We’ve weighed the pros and cons when it comes to Instagram Story Ads for small businesses below. (Bonus: Scroll all the way to the bottom for 5 key tips to keep in mind before promoting an Instagram Story.)

The Pros of Instagram Story Ads

1. Immersive Ad Experience

When you promote an Instagram Story the ad will appear in between non-sponsored stories on the Instagram app. Instagram Stories are viewed full-screen so when a user sees your Instagram Story, the only thing they can see is the content itself. This creates a fully immersive ad experience with nothing else on the screen competing for your customer’s attention.

2. Brand Awareness

One of the obvious positives when it comes to paying to promote your Instagram Stories is increased brand awareness. By boosting your Instagram Story you can place your small business in front of people who could be potential customers.

3. Less Competition

When it comes to Facebook and Instagram News Feed ads, Instagram Story ads are still relatively ‘new’ and are less saturated. Many brands are already doing News Feed ads so there is more competition to capture a potential customer’s interest. Small businesses might have less competition when promoting Instagram Stories

4. More Authentic

As we mentioned, Instagram Story ads pop up between organic, non-sponsored Stories which makes it less obvious to customers that they are actually viewing a paid ad. Instagram users might feel bombarded by blatant ads in their News Feed but if a small business promotes a fun, engaging Instagram Story, the ad will feel more authentic.

The Cons of Instagram Story Ads

1. Less Click-Friendly

Instagram has become a more click-friendly platform over the years but links in Facebook ads are still typically easier and more click-friendly. If your number one goal is to drive traffic to your website, paying to promote Instagram Stories might not be the platform for your small business.

2. CTA (Call to Action) Is Less Visible

If you are already familiar with Instagram Stories, you know if you look to the bottom of an Instagram Story you can find a swipe up to “See More” prompt. Unfortunately, it’s not a super obvious CTA and if someone isn’t looking for it or doesn’t know about it, they might never notice it.

3. Less Advanced

For any small business owner who has run a paid ad campaign on Facebook, they know they are able to set up highly detailed targeting. Instagram Ads can be managed through Facebook but overall, paid Instagram ads offer less advanced advertising options.

4. Younger Audience

Instagram has a huge user-base but the majority of Instagram users are between 18-29 years of age. Also, Instagram Stories might be more popular among younger users so promoting an Instagram Story might not give your business the best ROI if your customers are a little older. (We included this as a con but if your target customers are mostly under 30 it could be a positive!)

5 Key Instagram Stories Ad Tips for SMBs

  • Use Volume

The majority of Instagram Stories are viewed with the sound on. When creating an Instagram Story to promote, be sure to include music.

  • Create a Look-a-Like Audience

In order to promote your Instagram Story to the people who are most likely to be interested in your business, use Facebook Ads Manager to create a look-a-like audience for more advanced targeting.

  • Optimize For Website Traffic

The person who is most likely to click on your paid Instagram Story is someone who has already visited your website. Target users who have clicked on your website before and optimize your ad for clicks.

  • Target People Who Know You

Paid ads are more effective when targeted to someone already following your business on social media. Be sure to promote your Instagram Story to someone who has already engaged with your Instagram account.

  • Use Strong CTA’s

Since users might not know about or are actively looking for the swipe up to “See More” prompt, it is important to include a strong and obvious CTA. Be sure to clearly ask users to “Swipe Up” in an Instagram Story ad.

Cori Widen is the Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks. She has been leading product marketing campaigns and doing qualitative market research in the tech industry for 10 years.

Running Effective Instagram Promotions

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Everything a Small Business Owner Needs to Know About Instagram Live

With most of the world staying home right now, we are all looking for ways to connect while social distancing. We miss seeing our friends, family and colleagues in person and we need live social interactions now more than ever.

As society tries to adjust to this new normal, many of us have turned to social media to well, get social! Instagram Live has seen a 70% increase between the months of March-April 2020! Connecting live is an amazing way to help replace some of those day-to-day conversations we are craving.

And luckily for small business owners, Instagram Live is a really intuitive feature to use! Now is the perfect time for small businesses to test out Instagram Live. Not only is Instagram Live a great way to engage directly with your customers, but it’s also a very quick and cost-effective way for you to create content and promote your small business.

Instagram Live How-To: A Step-By-Step Guide For Small Businesses

If you’ve never hosted an Instagram Live before, it might seem daunting. Once you know what you want to do while live though, it’s actually very easy! Instagram live was very recently released to

Here is our easy step-by-step guide for small business owners on how to host an Instagram Live:

  1. Find and tap the camera icon in the top left of your Feed.
  2. Scroll to select Live then tap the Broadcast button.
  3. You or your viewers can add a comment anytime by tapping Comment.
  4. Once you are done with your Live session, tap End in the top right then tap to confirm.
  5. Afterwards, be sure to tap in the top left to save your Live video to your camera roll. Then you can share it to your story or feed.
instagram live

Pssst… Here are a few helpful hints about Instagram Live:

  • You can see the number of viewers at the top of the screen and their comments can be seen at the bottom
  • If there’s something important in the comments, you can tap a comment then tap ‘Pin Comment’ so stays at the top for easy viewing
  • As of April 2020, you can now view Instagram live sessions from desktop. Try it out — you may prefer the experience of watching Lives on a bigger screen.

7 Instagram Live Ideas for Small Businesses

Now that you know how to use Instagram Live, it’s time to brainstorm what you are actually going to do. There are so many ways a small business can use Instagram Live to connect with their customers right now. Here’s a few of our favorite ideas for small businesses to use Instagram Live:

1. Host a Live Sale: One of the things people are really missing right now is going to the store and browsing products. Why not help your followers enjoy some ‘virtual retail therapy’ by hosting a live auction? Video is a great way to show off products and gives your customers the chance to ask questions live before purchasing.

2. Behind-The-Scenes Tour: After spending so much time at home, people are looking for some type of escape! Take your customers on a series of tours and help them take a break from their own homes right now. People love a behind-the-scenes look into their favorite businesses – you can show off where you store your products, how you ship out their products, your home office or even what your business looks like during the pandemic.

3. Self-Care Challenge: Life is extra stressful right now. Can you help provide some helpful self-care activities to help your community relax? Think about some of the things that you love to do to relax and bring customers along on your favorite self-care routines like meditation, yoga, painting or baking. Bonus if you can incorporate your products or services into it!

4. How-To Tutorials: Some people are using this extra time at home to learn new skills. Are there any skills you can teach your customers? For example a restaurant could teach people how to plate their takeout food to look just like it would if they ordered it at your restaurant. Or a hair salon could provide some (much needed!) advice on how to give yourself or your partner a trim at home. This is great content to save and share to your feed later on.

5. Coffee Chats With a Friend: Nervous about doing an Instagram Live alone? Invite a friend to join you! Collaborate with another small business owner and pick a topic to just chat about! This could feel like a podcast episode and allows you to talk about anything from how you feel right now, how you are coping, how this is affecting your businesses.

6. Provide Entertainment for Kids: Everyone who is a parent is feeling extra exhausted right now and they are all running out of energy and ideas to keep their kids occupied! Can you help take a load off of parents by helping to keep their kids entertained, even just for 10-15 minutes? Host a sing along, do story time, a kid-friendly workout, introduce your pets, etc. Your customers will love you for thinking about their kids!

7. Get to Know Me Q&A: Have you ever taken the time to really introduce yourself to your Instagram followers? You and your customers might finally have a little extra time to spare so now is the perfect time to open up and let your customers get to know you.

Ask your followers to ask their questions in the comments then answer their questions live. People love getting to know the people behind their favorite businesses and it’s a great chance for you to share your story.

Instagram Live 2020

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7 Instagram Ideas for Businesses During These Unprecedented Times

With stay-at-home and social distancing orders in place in much of the world because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Instagram and other social media channels are busier than ever with people trying to connect and stay social.

Although you want to stay top of mind with your customers and fans, you don’t want to come across as insensitive or out of touch. The good news is that consumers know that businesses are struggling—and they want to continue hearing from you! The key to ensuring your company outlasts COVID-19 is changing your tone and sharing Instagram content that is thoughtful, helpful, and takes into consideration our new normal.

Here are seven ideas for what small businesses can be posting on Instagram right now.

1. Post Socially Conscious Content

Yes, many businesses are filling up Instagram with socially conscious graphics and videos — but it’s impossible to have too much accurate, helpful information out in the world right now! When brainstorming your content, keep in mind that there is plenty of guidance from the CDC and other local governmental recommendations to share. Boosted has a new category dedicated to Covid-19 related templates that you can customize for your brand:

covid19 categories

Here’s a sample video template from the category:

Pro tip: During these unprecedented times, your customers and fans want to know that you’re staying on top of new developments, but they don’t want to think that you’re trying to take advantage of the pandemic to sell your product or service. Feel free to change the colors or look of your content to match your branding, but don’t throw your logo on every piece of content you create—it’s about helping, not selling, right now.

2. Discount Your Virtual Classes

Depending on the type of business you operate, you can be offering discounts on virtual classes, coaching, or meetings. Not sure how you can parlay your business’s offerings virtually? Here are some options beyond the typical workout videos or educational classes:

  • If you’re a brewery that offers tasting tours or special events for a fee, create a virtual package with a discount in which you deliver the tasting options to customers and then do a virtual tour with a brewmaster.
  • If you’re a small craft studio or art house, offer curbside pickup for supplies and offer your classes online with a discount.
  • If you run a clothing store, offer virtual styling sessions with a discount and then give your customers a curbside pickup option.

To easily create graphics that stand out and encourage fans to take advantage of what you have to offer, check out VideoBoost’s templates.

3. Share Working from Home Tips 

With the current pandemic, most workers are feeling like they’re in some kind of massive work-from-home (WFH) experiment. Most workers weren’t prepared for the WFH switch, so position yourself as a pro and offer tips and advance on how to create the perfect home workspace. You could even tag some of your own products for purchase—if they’re relevant to the post topic.

Here’s an example of a helpful WFH post from @boosted_social:

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ℍ𝕆𝕎 𝕋𝕆 𝕎𝕆ℝ𝕂 𝔽ℝ𝕆𝕄 ℍ𝕆𝕄𝔼 𝕃𝕀𝕂𝔼 𝔸 𝔹𝕆𝕊𝕊 ☕️ ⁣ ⁣ Are you a #workingfromhome vet or is #remotework a brand new setup for you? 💼 Coronavirus is sending millions of employees across the 🌎 from their offices → to their living rooms 🛋 Here are 8 tips to #workfromhome productively: ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝚂𝚎𝚝 𝚞𝚙 𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎 – Ideally, this space will consist of: a desk and a window, in a room with a door 🚪If this setup isn't feasible, try & create a designated workspace in the main area of your home (avoid your bedroom!) ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍! While it may be tempting to stay in your PJs, putting on some professional clothes will set a productive tone for your whole day 💪⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝙴𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 – Whether it’s simple 🍊or elaborate 🥞…just be sure to do it. Same goes for lunch! ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚝𝚘-𝚍𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 – Crossing off accomplished tasks throughout the day is super rewarding ✔️#ProTip: Be realistic with your goals – divide tasks into what needs to get done today vs what can wait 'til tom if time runs out ⏳ ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 – Reward yourself with a 10 min break for every hour of work, or find a balance that works best for you. For bonus points, take a break outside ☀️ ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛! Stay hydrated to stay focused 💦 (We're assuming that you're already drinking lots of ☕️). ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 – To mitigate frustration, try your best to be fully present with the task you’re currently tackling. If you’re working, focus on that. If you’re spending time with your fam, put away your phone & try not to think about that deadline. ⁣ ⁣ 💻 𝙱𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 & reward yourself at the end of a long day (hint: 🍫). ⁣ ⁣ Share your #WFH #productivity tips below ↓ Sending good vibes and good health your way ❤️ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ ⁠ #futureofwork #homeworker #entrepreneurlife #homeworking #mindsetmatters #selfemployment #freelance #successmindset #workfromhometips #workfromhomemom #solopreneur #smallbusinesslife #smallbusinesstips #creativepreneur #womeninbusiness #homeworkerlife #shemeansbusiness

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4. Discount E-Gift Cards

When customers can’t come in-store to shop—or are trying to save money—offering discounts on your gift cards can be a great way to keep people shopping. In fact, one great way to get customers onboard with e-gift cards is to encourage them to buy discounted e-gift cards for their friends, family, and coworkers.

Everyone—and we mean everyone— could use a pick-me-up during these difficult times, and what better way to do that then through a discounted e-gift card to their favorite store or restaurant?

Also, you can encourage your fans to buy discounted gift cards for healthcare workers or local police and fire departments to give back to those fighting the battle on the frontlines.

5. Ask Your Fans What They Need

If you’re still uncertain about what to post and want to know how you can connect better with your fans, put a poll up on your Stories and be direct: Ask your fans what they need or want during these unprecedented times. There is no better way to give your customers exactly what they need than to just ask.

6. Go Live and Party On

All businesses are looking for new ways to connect and engage with customers during these tough times. Instagram Live is great for connecting with your customers in real time, but have you considered hosting a party on Zoom? With a free account, you can gather 100 people for up to 40 minutes and host a happy hour, Q&A, birthday party or other celebration, and more. Spring for a paid plan, and you get even more perks for gathering with your customers virtually.

Some ideas:

  • Schedule a weekly book club gathering—with wine of course.
  • Host a weekly storytime for kiddos or adults.
  • Hold a weekly party where everyone cooks dinner together virtually.
  • Plan a daily 15-minute meditation session.

7. Share Positive, Inspiring Content

Social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. Although we have to spend more time at home and need to rely on social media and video conferencing to get our social fix, the past month has left people feeling lonely and alone. Find some fun but accurate photos on a site like Pexels or Unsplash, and then share some inspiration in a creative and thoughtful way. Here’s some inspiration from @boosted_social:

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𝔼𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕐𝕋ℍ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕀𝕊 ℂ𝔸ℕℂ𝔼𝕃𝔼𝔻⁉️⁠ ⁠ When it feels like everything has been canceled, try to remind yourself of things you ❤️ that aren't. Here are 10 of those things 👇 ⁠ ⁠ ☑️ #SelfCare isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Creativity isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Fresh air isn’t canceled ⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Supporting your favorite #smallbusiness isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Binge-watching isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Facetiming with family & friends isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ At-home workouts aren’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Eating your favorite foods isn’t canceled ⁠ ⁠ ☑️ Reading that book you’ve mean meaning to isn’t canceled⁠ ⁠ ☑️ #LearningANewSkill isn’t canceled ⁠ ⁠ 📸: @jeffreyczum⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ ⁠ #thursdaythoughts #everythingiscanceled #everythingiscancelled #coronacontent #flattenthecurve #coronacreativity #quarantinecreativity #staysane#isolationcreation #staycreative #creativequarantine #createdontcontaminate #quarantineandcreate #stayhomeandcreate #stayathome #stayathome #stayinsideplease #becreative #smallbiztips #smallbizadvice #smallbizmarketing #smallbusinessowner #socialmediatip #marketingmotivation #contentmarketing #marketingtips #marketingcreative

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Action Items:

1. Stay calm! Be the calm in the storm for your customers.
2. Download Boosted and other apps to help you create Instagram content quickly and easily.
3. Practice social listening in order to provide your customers with what they need during these difficult and unprecedented times.


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9 Mother’s Day Instagram Content Ideas for Your Business

Mother’s Day is approaching, and it’s a great opportunity to craft some content celebrating the mothers on your staff, in your life, and among your customers.

But what should you post?

Here are 9 Instagram content ideas to get your wheels turning:

1. A tribute to your own mom

Find a great photo of yourself with your mom. Post it with a caption describing how she shaped who you are today, and thank her for all she’s done for you.

Posts like these are fantastic because they have a personal touch and show humility and gratitude. But be sure to get your mom’s permission to share it first! Get inspired by influencer @michelleoksana‘s content:

Your post will be especially effective if there’s a business tie-in. How has your mom helped or inspired you in your business? Even if there’s nothing obvious, give it some thought — maybe she taught you to be creative, or to work hard, or to be honest and open. Chances are you’ll find something!

2. A meaningful quote about motherhood

Create a graphic for your feed or Stories containing a brief, meaningful quote about mothers and motherhood. If you can, take some extra time to find something original and creative — you don’t want it to be too cliché. @KaaartBlanche nailed this here:

If all else fails, you could always simply write “Happy Mother’s Day” on a pretty background. Your followers will appreciate the sentiment.

3. Highlight a product or service as a perfect Mother’s Day gift

This idea is a little more promotional, but might be effective if your product or service makes an excellent Mother’s Day gift.

For example, if you’re a massage therapist, you can write about how often mothers forget to take care of themselves and how important it is to give them a chance to wind down and connect to their bodies.

If you sell multiple products, showcase one or two that are especially appropriate and write about what it might do for a mom to receive it as a gift.

4. Special Mother’s Day sale

Take it a step further by offering a special sale on products or services that make a perfect Mother’s Day gift. Be sure to create an engaging graphic or video announcing the sale. You can use Boosted to create a stunning promotional video for your feed or Stories in just a few minutes.

5. Mother’s Day contest

Another great promotion idea for Mother’s Day is to create a contest, giveaway, or hashtag challenge. Offer one of your products or services as a prize, and challenge your followers to choose a mom who deserves it as a gift and explain why. You can select a winner randomly, or choose your favorite story. You can also challenge your users to post photos of themselves with the deserving mom, explaining why she should get the prize in the caption.

Learn more about How to Run a Successful Instagram Giveaway with our guide.

Here’s some Mother’s Day contest inspiration from @theflowerboutiqueinc:

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Mother’s Day is around the corner! We are collaborating with @topcatering to give away 10 beautiful floral arrangements for Mother’s Day. All arrangements will be delivered to the address of your choice. Free delivery is for Orange County only. To enter, you must complete all these steps: 1)Follow @theflowerboutiqueinc and @topcatering 2)Like this post 3)Share this post on your IG story and tag @theflowerboutiqueinc and @topcatering 4)Comment below and tag as many friends as you’d like in a separate comment to increase your chances of winning ****You can only win twice***** THAT’S IT!!! GOOD LUCK!!! Giveaway ends Thursday, April 30th, 2020 at 11:59pm PST. Winners chosen and announced on Monday, May 4th, 2020. *This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram*

A post shared by The Flower Boutique (@theflowerboutiqueinc) on

6. DIY Mother’s Day gift tutorial or recipe

Create a tutorial in your Stories or in a short Feed video for a DIY Mother’s Day gift that’s related to your brand. You can learn more about making tutorials for Instagram here.

Another option is to post a recipe for Mother’s Day. What’s a Mother’s Day recipe, you ask? Maybe a festive cake with pink frosting, or a health shake with strawberries, or perhaps simply an easy recipe you learned from your mom. Take a photo of the finished product and post it with the recipe in the caption.

Get inspired by @bekindandmakeart‘s Mother’s Day DIY how-to for kids:

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Mother’s Day Masterpiece (number 2)! To start off, I showed our kiddos how to draw a flower. They used crayons to draw their own special flowers on their papers. Next, we took paint and traced over our flowers with corresponding colors. Once finished & dried, I cut all of the flowers out. Then, I took photos of each child making a fist, printed and cut them out. They were all assembled together to create these BEAUTIFUL & uniquely special masterpieces! :: A couple notes: I did this project with ages 3-5. I knew it would be trickier for our Younger 3’s class, but I knew it was best to ask their teacher the best course of action since she knows her students best! She teacher advised me to work in small groups, and to show the artists step-by-step and work alongside of them! She told me that they are extremely visual children and need to see me work slowly & draw/paint right in front of them for this specific project. And it worked! I was so proud of them! With our ages 1-2, they glued and assembled together PAPER flowers instead (flexing fine motor skills). :: ALSO ALSO, I think this is my new favorite project! I am SO proud of our little artists who focused, took their time & worked hard to create something so special for their mamas!

A post shared by Kathleen Motoa (@bekindandmakeart) on

7. Share a funny meme or cartoon about moms and motherhood

Motherhood is a bottomless well of inspiration for humor. There are many funny memes and cartoons you could share on your feed or in your Stories. You can make one yourself, or find one you like using hashtags or on Google. If you post someone else’s content, though, be sure you have their permission and don’t forget to credit them.

8. Interview a mom

Set up a simple video interview with an important mom in your life: your own mom, an employee’s mom, or even an employee or customer who has an interesting story or perspective on motherhood. Maybe even string together small clips of moms giving advice or expressing an opinion on something related to your brand.

Videos like these can be cute, funny, or inspirational. As always, match the tone to your brand.

9. Celebrate the moms on your staff or in your community

If you have moms on your staff, now is a great time to create a video tribute highlighting the importance of their roles in your business and what you especially appreciate about them. You could also celebrate moms in your community or customer base that you especially appreciate. This could be a carousel post with a collection of photos of the moms you want to celebrate, a video collage of their photos, or multiple Stories with slides about each one of them.

The creative possibilities are endless!

Action Items:

1. Pick one or two of the above ideas that speak most to you — preferably ones that can complement each other as posts both in your feed and in your Stories.
2. Make sure to craft the content in a way that is authentic and consistent with your brand.
3. Have fun and get personal — this is a great time to show your following a little about yourself and your life.


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What Exactly Do Your Instagram Insights Mean?

If you have an Instagram business account, you have a powerful analytics tool at your disposal: Instagram Insights.

This handy section of your profile collects statistics on your performance that can help you assess how well your account is doing and how you might be able to hone your strategy to perform even better.

In this post, we’ll walk you through each section of your Instagram Insights and explain how you can leverage the information within it to boost your business on Instagram.

How to Access Insights

To view your Insights, tap the profile icon on the lower right corner of your screen. Then, tap the hamburger menu icon that appears on the upper right corner, and select “Insights” from the menu.

instagram insights location

Don’t see it? Make sure your Instagram account is a business account. (If it isn’t, tap “Settings” on the very bottom of the menu that opens when you tap the hamburger icon, then tap “Account,” scroll to the bottom, tap “Switch to a professional account,” and tap “Business.”)

Your Insights are divided into 3 sections: Content, Activity, and Audience.

instagram insights sections


This section displays information about the content you’ve shared over the past week.

The Overview displays the total number of posts, stories, and promotions you have shared from your account this week.

instagram insights overview

Below the Overview, you’ll see a breakdown of those categories with thumbnails of the content you’ve shared. On the lower section of each thumbnail, you’ll see an icon displaying the number of times that post, story, or promotion has been viewed — also known as “reach.”

You can tap “See all” to the right of each heading to see all the content from that category that you’ve posted in a given time period, organized by reach. This is a great way to instantly find out which of your posts is performing best! If you like, you can select a different time period (from 7 days to 2 years) or ranking criteria (type of interaction by which to rank the posts). You can also tap each post to get an in-depth view of that post’s performance.

This section helps you by giving you a bird’s eye view of all the content you’ve put out this week and how well it’s engaging your audience.


This section displays the activity on your account during the past week.


The Discovery subsection shows you how many people have seen your content over the past week and where they found it. The number above the graph indicates your reach — the number of unique accounts that have seen any of your posts or stories. The graph breaks that number down by days of the week. Tap the graph to display the exact numbers.

Below the graph, you’ll find the total reach, and right below, you’ll see how it compares to your reach from the previous week.

You’ll also find the number of impressions. This is the total number of times your posts and stories have been seen.

instagram insights activity

This number will generally be higher than your reach, since it’s likely that accounts that follow you will see more than one of your posts — and that’s a good thing. You want your followers to be engaged enough to view multiple posts. If you see that there’s not much of a gap between these numbers, that could mean that either you’re not posting very frequently, or your followers aren’t seeing multiple posts. In the case of the latter, engaging your followers more by commenting on their posts and interacting with them might help.

This subsection might also display a breakdown of your impressions by source. This can give you an idea of how people are finding your posts, which can help you evaluate which of your strategies is working.


Interactions measures the number of actions people take when they engage with your profile. This includes visits or clicking on your website, email, or phone number. The total number of interactions will be displayed above the graph. Tap the graph to see how many interactions you’ve had each day of the past week.

Below the graph, you’ll see how many profile visits and website clicks you’ve had over the past week, as well as how many times people have tapped Email or Call from your profile.

instagram insights interactions

This subsection can show you how your account is performing in terms of active engagement. Interactions are key to growing and maintaining your audience.


The audience section shows you who is seeing and interacting with your account. By analyzing this data, you can learn more about the audience your posts are reaching and how well that audience aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

The Growth subsection shows you how many people have followed and unfollowed your account in the past week. The interactive graph allows you to tap on a day of the week to view the exact numbers for that day.

instagram insights growth

The Top Locations subsection shows you where your audience is concentrated — by city or by country. If your business serves the local community, you’ll want most of your followers to be located in your immediate area. If you see that many of your followers are from other places, think about how to hone your content to appeal more to people from your exact location. See our post on How to Reach Customers on Instagram When You’re a Local Business for some tips.

The Age Range subsection shows you how old your Instagram audience is. You can break this down by men and women, too. If your business is aimed at young professionals and you see that most of your audience is aged 18-24 and 25-34, you’re right on target. If your audience skews younger or older, you may want to evaluate why your content is appealing more to that audience and what you can do to appeal more to people from the age range you’re aiming for.

instagram insights age range

The Gender subsection shows you a pie chart gender breakdown of your audience. As with the above sections, make sure the data you’re seeing here aligns with your target audience profile.

instagram insights gender

The Followers subsection tells you when your followers tend to be on Instagram — by hours for each day of the week, or by day of the week. This can guide your post timing strategy: be sure to post at peak times to give your content the best chance to be seen.

Instagram Insights: Hours

instagram engagement hours

Pulling it all together

The information you can gather from the above sections can help you gain invaluable insights about:

  • How many accounts you’re reaching
  • What kind of content best engages your audience
  • Who is seeing your posts and whether they match your customer profile
  • The ideal times to post

Just to name a few. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed adjustments to your content strategy that will produce real, measurable results.

Action Items:

1. Review your Insights once a week.
2. Consider inputting the data into a spreadsheet so you can access it later and analyze trends over longer periods of time.
3. Note which posts are performing best and evaluate what might be working about them.
4. Compare your Audience numbers with your ideal customer profile and see how well it lines up. If there’s room for improvement, think about what you can do to reach people who fit your profile better.


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