How to Get Verified on Instagram: A Step by Step Guide for 2021

Ever wonder about those blue checks that appear next to certain accounts on Instagram?

They’re verification badges for notable people and brands — and they come with a lot of benefits. In this article, we’ll cover how and why to get the coveted blue check next to your account name. (For TikTok verification, check out our post here).

Why it’s Important to Get Verified on Instagram in 2021

Instagram verification has a few important benefits:

  • It makes a great first impression. Making a good first impression is a fundamental principle in branding. When someone comes across your profile, before they know anything about you, they’ll know that you’re “the real deal”: a person of note or a recognized brand.
  • It increases discoverability and brand awareness. Verified accounts appear higher in searches and suggestions on Instagram.
  • It inspires trust. In the era of fake news, it’s not always easy to know who to trust. The blue check tells your followers that you are who you say you are. This is especially important when promoting a special offer or deal, because users might be skeptical of special offers from unverified accounts.
  • It helps you avoid identity theft. People can use fake accounts to spread misinformation or try to sabotage your reputation. The blue tick helps you avoid that situation by making it easy for people to verify whether it’s really you.
  • It grants you access to special features. Instagram usually rolls out beta versions of new features to verified accounts first. The swipe-up feature on Instagram stories, which allows you to add links to your Stories, is only available to accounts with above 10,000 followers — and verified accounts, even if they have fewer than 10K followers.

Sounds great, right? So who is eligible for all these benefits?

List of 6 Criteria for Instagram Verification

These are 6 rules which Instagram requires to verify an account:

  1. Your account must follow the Terms of Use and Community Guidelines: This is true of any account.
  2. Your account must be authentic: It has to represent a real person or business.
  3. Your account must be unique: You can’t verify multiple accounts for the same person or business (unless they are language-specific).
  4. Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo, and at least one Feed post.
  5. No “add me” links to other social media sites. Your link should lead to your official website or landing page.
  6. Your account must represent a notable person or brand: Instagram will search for you to see if you’re well-known, and they will consider accounts that are featured in multiple news sources as long as it’s not paid or promotional content.

Please note: you cannot buy Instagram verification, and any service claiming to be able to get your account verified for a fee is a scam. Getting verified on Instagram ‘for free’, or organically and naturally, is the only safe and legitimate way.

Think your account qualifies? Ready to get verified on IG? Here’s what to do:

Steps on How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2021

  • Open your profile page and tap on the 3-line icon on the upper right corner of your screen. Select “Settings” at the bottom of the menu:
  • Then tap “Account”:

get verified on instagram

  • And then “Request Verification”:

request verification on instagram

  • On the next screen, you’ll be asked to enter a number of details:
    1. Full Name: This is your full legal name as it appears on your government-issued ID.
    2. Known As: This is your business or brand name. If you’re a public figure or your business is named after you, enter your own name here.
    3. Category: Here you’ll be given a number of category options to choose from. Choose the one that closest describes what you do, or if none of them do, select “other.”
    4. Photo ID: Here, attach an image of a government-issued photo ID. The page lists a few examples of valid ID documents. Make sure you use a photo or scan where your name is clearly legible.
  • Once you’ve filled in all the fields and attached your ID, tap “Send.”

Instagram verification can take anywhere from days to weeks. There’s no way to speed up the process, so you’ll just have to wait patiently! You’ll get a message in your notification feed when a decision is made about verifying your account.

If your Instagram verification request is denied, no worries — you can try again in 30 days.

How Many Times Can I apply for Instagram Verification?

There’s no limit to how many times you can apply for verification after each 30-day waiting period.

If your account is repeatedly denied, it might be because of one of the following common reasons:

5 Common Reasons for Not Getting Verified on Instagram:

  1. The account violates the Terms and Conditions or Community Guidelines. Read Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines carefully and ensure that your account complies with them.
  2. The account doesn’t represent the person or entity asking for verification. Your account has to represent you or your business or brand. “Official” fan accounts for celebrities, movies, or fictional characters don’t count.
  3. The account isn’t public. Private accounts can’t be verified.
  4. The account isn’t complete. Make sure your account has a bio and profile picture, and at least one Feed post.
  5. The account promotes a type of business or brand that violates Instagram’s terms. Even if the account itself is free of content that violates Instagram’s terms and guidelines, the nature of the business might do so if it’s fraudulent or shady.

If none of these apply to your Instagram account, it’s possible that your brand might not be well-known enough yet. In this case, keep working on promoting brand awareness and recognition, so that next time Instagram reviews your account, your brand will be prominent and easily searchable. This is something you should be doing anyway!

Remember that Instagram doesn’t count paid or promotional content, so if you really want your account verified, the best course is to generate some genuine media attention.

Should You Apply to Get Verified on Instagram?

If you think your account meets the above criteria, and you want to increase your following and brand awareness, you should definitely apply to get verified.

Even if you’re not sure whether your account qualifies, it’s worth a try. Worst comes to worst, nothing will change; in the best-case scenario, you’ll be inducted to the exclusive blue-check club, where you’ll enjoy greater discoverability, access to special features, and the reputation of trust that comes with account verification.

how to get verified social media marketing

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Facebook Marketing Trends For 2021

Despite the rise of other social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat, Facebook still remains an incredibly important marketing channel, boasting over 2.7 billion monthly active users! As such, many businesses will continue to use Facebook as their prime marketing platform for the foreseeable future. However, while Facebook is an excellent place to market goods and services, Facebook marketing strategies and trends tend to change over time so it is important to stay on top of the latest Facebook marketing updates. In this article, we will break down some of the top Facebook marketing trends for 2021. 

Here are the top Facebook marketing trends to be aware of for 2021:

1. Video 

When Facebook first came out, it was primarily an image and text sharing platform. However, recently, video content has been gaining a lot of momentum on the site. In fact, video content now makes up roughly 17 percent of all content on Facebook. In Q3, 2020, the amount of video content on the platform rose 2.6% from the previous year. Facebook users are demonstrating an increasing demand and preference for video content. Because of this, many companies are now coming up with lots of different creative ways to use and post marketing videos to their audiences on Facebook. These videos can often be created from the comfort of your own home using video creation apps, like Boosted. This trend will most likely continue throughout 2021. Need help formatting your videos for Facebook? Check out this Facebook video guide here.

2. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality, also known as AR, is a technology that projects computer-generated, virtual augmentations to our reality in order to create unique and entertaining experiences. Augmented reality is different from virtual reality, which involves creating a completely virtual world. In the past year, and especially during the pandemic, many people have been using augmented reality filters in their pictures and video on Facebook, in addition to on many other social media platforms, like Instagram. More and more companies are starting to use their own AR filters to engage their audiences and enhance the experience customers have with their brands. Because users like AR filters so much, it is very likely that brands will use them more heavily in 2021 as it becomes more accessible to create these unique filters. 

3. Customer Journey Tracking 

In order for marketers to get the greatest possible ROI on their ad spend, they need to be able to fully understand the customer journey and to see which advertising strategies are working and which are not. To help understand this journey, Facebook released the Facebook Attribution Tool several years ago. This tool allows brands to get a complete understanding of their customer journeys. For example, using this Attribution Tool, brands can see if customers are coming more from mobile or desktop, messenger or audience network, Facebook or Instagram, etc. In 2021, the Facebook Attribution Tool is expected to become even more important for marketers as Facebook ad prices continue to rise and the need for high marketing ROI increases. To get a better understanding of Facebook ads as a tool for giving your engagement a boost, check out this guide here.

4. Newsfeed Ads  

For a number of years now, newsfeed ads have been both the most popular and the most effective types of ads on Facebook. This is largely because newsfeed ads appear directly in the user’s line of vision when they are scrolling through their newsfeed. It is almost impossible not to see them! Brands prefer newsfeed ads so much that roughly 58.2 percent of all ad spend on Facebook by businesses is newsfeed ads. Newsfeed ads also have an average click-through rate of 1.82%, which is higher than other forms of Facebook ads. Because of the high click-through rates and prominent display areas, newsfeed ads will most likely continue to dominate in 2021. New to Facebook ads? Get started now!

5. Personalization 

Personalization is another Facebook marketing trend that will continue to surge in 2021. The reason why personalization is so important for Facebook marketing is because customers simply don’t find generic marketing messaging very interesting. However, when marketing messaging is personalized to their preferences, interests, likes, users are much more interested in the messaging and more likely to engage. In fact, personalized messages are three times as likely to convert as generic messages. For this reason, marketers will continue to use personalization heavily in 2021 most likely. 

6. Facebook Stories 

Stories have become extremely popular on most social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. Now they are also becoming very popular on Facebook. Stories are just brief videos that allow brands to provide updates about their company whenever they want to. Facebook stories can be a type of video marketing – they’re great because they generally require very little production and editing and can be published very quickly. Because Stories are so easy to use, and because social media users love them, Facebook stories will most likely be more heavily used by marketers in 2021. 

7. User-Generated Content 

User-generated content is quickly becoming a key marketing method for many brands. This is because user-generated content allows brands to reduce their marketing costs by getting quality image and video content for free from their customers. One company that uses this strategy with extreme effectiveness is GoPro. GoPro regularly provides awards to its users for the best user-generated content. This content can be easily distributed on Facebook to increase engagement and interest in the company. User-generated content has become even more popular during these past months when companies are needing to pivot their marketing strategies for a more DIY approach. Check out here how to utilize user-generated content to give your Instagram profile a boost as well!


2021 is coming and your business needs to get ready for the new year! In addition to following new social media content trends for 2021, you will need to jump on the new Facebook marketing campaign tools available. Being aware of these key changes will allow you to take full advantage of Facebook for your marketing needs. If you are already capitalising on some of these Facebook marketing trends, then you are ahead of the game, congrats! However, if you are not currently using any of these Facebook marketing trends, then you should strongly consider starting to use some of them. You can start with just one, or you can use a number of different Facebook marketing techniques. Needless to say, however, the sooner you start using them, the sooner you can start benefiting from them.

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7 Quick Tips to Build an Instagram Hashtag Strategy

In the year 2021, hashtags are a fantastic way to reach new audiences on Instagram. They require very little effort and no cash investment, but they can lead people who may be interested in your content right to you.

But how do you choose the right Instagram hashtags for your post? How many should you use, and where should you put them? Whether you have a sleek video ad or image you want to share, the right IG hashtag strategy, alongside an awesome video maker and story editor can definitely help. Here are some 7 quick and effective tips to up your Instagram hashtag game:

1. Be conscious of the number and placement of your hashtags

In a recent study, SocialInsider examined 650,000 Instagram posts to determine how hashtag use affected their performance. What they found was that overall, posts with 7 or 30 hashtags hidden in the caption got the most engagement.

However, they found that the number, placement, and visibility of hashtags for optimal performance varied according to the profile size. Here are their profile-size-specific recommendations:

Number of followers          Number of hashtags      Placement 
Under 5k6Hidden in caption
5k-10k5First comment
10k-50k2Hidden in caption
50k-100k8Hidden in caption
100k+6First comment

2. Hide your IG hashtags in the caption

If your brand is in any of the categories where hiding your hashtags in the caption is most effective, you may be wondering: how does one hide a hashtag?

Instagram limits the amount of text shown on your feed and hides additional text behind a “show more” link. Your goal is to get your hashtags to appear after that link. The problem is, when you’re keeping your captions short and sweet — always a good idea — how do you add enough text to keep your hashtags hidden?

The trick is to add line breaks. But this is a little harder than it sounds, because the Instagram app tends to wipe out line breaks added to text inputted directly to the caption editor.

The solution is to type your caption in a different text editor (like a note-taking app), then copy-paste. Type a character (a period is most inconspicuous, but you could also use asterisks or anything you like), then a line break, then another character, then another line break, until you have at least 5 lines. Add your hashtags underneath, and then copy and paste the whole thing into the Instagram caption editor.

Check out this example to see how it is done:

3. Find popular hashtags related to your brand

Check out what hashtags influencers and brands like yours are using. People interested in related content will be searching those hashtags and will therefore be more likely to come across your content. It’s a great way to ensure your posts are reaching appropriate audiences.

When you type a hashtag into the caption editor, Instagram will automatically tell you how many posts exist that use that hashtag. You can also use a hashtag finder or generator tool to help you discover hashtags related to your content.

4. Search Instagram hashtags before using them

Before you use a hashtag on Instagram, make sure search it yourself to see who is using it and what kind of content comes up. Just because a popular influencer or brand used it, doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for your content.

5. Combine popular IG hashtags with smaller niche hashtags

It’s the eternal dilemma of online advertising: should you use a popular search term/category/hashtag, which may have a wider reach, but a lot more competition? Or should you use a smaller niche one, which may not appeal to as wide an audience, but is more likely to be seen by people looking for that specific kind of content?

The answer is: both!

Popular photography hashtags can certainly put you on the map, but there are a lot of other Instagrammers on the map. Niche or location-based hashtags help you stand out to the audience that is most relevant to you. Use a combination of both in every post.

6. Keep a list

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you post something on IG. Compile a list of hashtags relevant to your brand. That way, when you create a post, you can consult the list and choose appropriate hashtags without having to conduct exhaustive research all over again. You can also mark on this list how many times you’ve used each hashtag.

7. Switch it up

Varying your hashtags makes it possible to reach a wider and more diverse audience. People who search #sailing are not necessarily the same people who search #sailboats, but if you’re a sailboat rental company, it’s a good idea to reach all of them. Using different hashtags in each post gives you the opportunity to try out lots of different hashtags and see which ones get you the most engagement.

Remember that Instagrammers use hashtags to find content that interests and inspires them. By employing these tips and using a variety of relevant hashtags, you’ll help the people most interested in your message find you — and hopefully, become devoted followers and customers.

Check out how this post switches it up with the hashtag use in post and in the comments for a great variety of hashtags!

Instagram Hashtag Strategy Action Items:

1. Tweak the amount of hashtags you use, as well as the placement of your hashtags, according to the chart above.
2. Research hashtags relevant to your brand & industry.
3. Get organized. Keep a list of the hashtags you’re using and plan to use different hashtags for each post (remember to combine popular hashtags with smaller niche hashtags).
4. Check your Insights regularly to see how well your hashtag strategy is working. Within your Post Insights, you can see how many Post Impressions came from the hashtags you used.

hashtag strategy

Additional Niche-Specific Instagram Hashtags:

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How to Create a Killer Social Media Content Strategy for 2021 & Beyond

By: Cori Widen, Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks

In the past decade or so, social media has been an exciting new frontier in marketing. It has so much going for it as a marketing platform: it’s (mostly) free, it’s audience-driven, it’s fun, and it can be extremely effective.

But if you want to use social media to grow your business, it’s not enough to post whatever you feel like, whenever you feel like. Having a well-researched, social media content plan means the time and resources you invest in social media marketing won’t go to waste.

This guide will teach you how to create an effective social media content strategy that will help your brand flourish in 2021.

Align your social media content strategy with your target audiences

Marketing always starts with identifying and understanding your target audience. Who are the people who need your product or service most, and how can you reach them? An accurate customer profile will guide you throughout the rest of the process, and the only way to create one is to do your research.

Gather as much information as you can about your most loyal customers. Some questions to include:

    • What is their age range?
    • Where do they live? Both location and time zone are valuable to know here.
    • What language do they speak?
    • What are their interests?
    • What’s important to them?
    • What challenges do they encounter that are related to your product?

The more specific a buyer persona you build, the more effectively you’ll be able to target them on social media.


Analyze the performance of previous social content

If your company already has active social media accounts, you have some valuable data at your disposal right now. Take a look at the analytics of that platform and pinpoint what’s worked well and what hasn’t. Identify the highest-performing pieces of content and analyze the elements they have in common: what type of content was it? Images? Video? Text? What was the tone? What kind of message did it convey? When was it posted?

Once you’ve delved into the analytics, make sure to tweak your social media content strategy accordingly. Let’s say your company is focusing on its Instagram content strategy. If you have an Instagram Business account and are studying your account’s Insights, take a look at: Insights > Audience > Followers. There, you can analyze both Hours (the average times your followers are on Instagram on a typical day) & Days (the days of the week when your followers are the most active). Study when your audience is most active and then plan your future Instagram content for the hours and days when your audience is most likely to engage:


Instagram Followers Hours

For more information on understanding your Instagram Insights, check out this blog.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to reach out to your existing audience about whether they’re enjoying your current content, as well as what type of content they’d like to see in the future. You can poll your followers to find out, like @EliseDarma did via Instagram Stories recently:

elise darma poll social media marketing

Research competitors and influencers in your field

Competitors, influencers, and complementary business accounts can provide a lot of useful information and inspiration for your own social media content plan. Some tips on when researching competitors’ social accounts include:

  • Be sure to analyze:
    • Which social platforms they’re active on
    • How many followers they have on each platform
    • Their posting frequency
    • The types of content they’re posting
    • Which content receives the highest engagement
  • Their feeds can also give you ideas for content of your own to develop (just be sure not to copy from them).
  • You may also discover gaps in types of content provided by brands in your field, pinpointing a niche that your company may be able to fill.

Another benefit of getting to know your competitors and social media influencers in your field is that you can reach out to them for mutually beneficial partnerships. Arrange social media takeovers of each other’s accounts to cross-pollinate your audiences or collaborate on giveaways. Instagram is the prime platform for creating collaborative content like this.

Choose your social media platforms

Before you start churning out content, you should make sure that you’re using a platform where your target audience actually hangs out. Different social media platforms attract different demographics. Research which platforms are most popular with people who match your customer profile.

Here are five of the world’s most popular social media platforms that you should keep in mind when planning your social media strategy in 2021:

  1. Facebook 2.38 billion active monthly users
  2. Instagram 1 billion active monthly users
  3. YouTube 2 billion active monthly users
  4. TikTok 500 million active monthly users
  5. Twitter 330 million active monthly users

Another thing to consider is whether the platform supports the type of content that best showcases your work. Some platforms are more text-based, while others are image or video-based.

Also, remember that your following on one platform may be completely different from your following on another platform. This is great, because it widens and diversifies your reach, but it also means you need to strategize differently for each platform. Be sure as well to look out for new and emerging platforms to incorporate into your social content strategy.

For more in-depth and platform specific guides, check out these social media content strategy guides here to guide you in 2021:

  • Facebook content strategy: Mapping out a Facebook content strategy can make your Facebook engagement more meaningful for your brand.
  • TikTok content strategy: TikTok content is a new frontier but with the right content strategy you can grow your TikTok brand exponentially, despite video time limits.
  • LinkedIn content strategy: A solid corporate content strategy for your LinkedIn company page can bring your many new eyeballs and customers.
  • Instagram content strategy: Instagram engagement is more than just likes; a brand needs a clear content strategy in order to succeed in the busy waters of Instagram.
  • Snapchat content strategy: Snapchat may not be the leading social platform anymore, but it still has a serious presence: your Snapchat content strategy should not be overlooked.
  • Pinterest content strategy: Pinterest has a TON of new customer potential if you can sharpen your content strategy to bring the right type of Pinterest user to your brand page.
  • Reddit content strategy: Reddit is a combo message board and social platform, but there is indeed a way for brands to utilize various content strategies on Reddit.
  • Quora content strategy: Quora might look like a quirky FAQ portal, but you’d be surprised at how many brands are killing in on Quora simply because they have a clever Quora content strategy.
  • content strategy: Medium is the online magazine that every brand should be aiming for, as a thought leadership platform that can raise a brand’s web presence to many new relevant audiences.


Determine your social media content style

The look, feel, tone, and voice of your social media content should stay consistent with those of your brand. Decide what type of content is a good fit for your business: what are the topics your posts should address? What messages or information will be most valuable to your customers, and how can you convey those things in a way they’ll find engaging?

Set out your SM goals and objectives

A solid social media content strategy requires concrete goals and objectives. What is it you’re hoping to achieve with your social media accounts over the next week, month, or quarter? It’s a good idea to set goals for overall performance — such as increasing your following or website traffic — as well as goals for each individual post, such as click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates and engagement. 

Additionally, it is a great practice to set a meeting at the end of each month to check in and see if your brand is reaching its goals and to assess your brand’s ROI on social media. See this blog for recommendations on how to effectively measure this. 

Gather the right resources for high-quality content

Your social media accounts are the interactive online face of your brand. They need to look and sound professional as well as reflect the personality of your brand.

You’ll need well-designed videos and/or images, as well as concise, crisp copy that’s in line with the voice of your business. Make sure you have the resources to produce high-quality posts — and that may include staff members who specialize in creating and managing that content as well as a budget for outsourcing, paid ads, and professional tools for management and design of social media content. And of course, a high quality video maker for ads.

If you don’t have a design team or much of a budget for design, don’t be intimidated – it is very possible to execute an effective social media content strategy without breaking the bank. Here are some tools that you can use on your own to create high-quality social media content:

  • Use Boosted to create social videos that look professionally produced. You can use your own footage or select stock footage, and then add text and other elements. Here are some examples of the type of content you can create with Boosted:

  • Unsplash is a great resource for free, high-quality images that you can share across social media.
  • Pexels is also a great image resource, and offers free stock videos as well. 

Create a social media content calendar

Now that you’ve collected all this information, it’s time to draw up a social media content plan.

You can develop a weekly or monthly plan, depending on your needs. Chart a content calendar based on what you’ve learned about your target audience behavior and responses, incorporating ideas you’ve gathered for content that will engage them. This outline will serve as your guide for what and how often to post, and should include concrete concepts that your team will be able to turn into content easily.

Here are 4 few different options for creating your social media content calendar (pick the style that works best for you!):

  • Google Sheets
  • A project management tool like Trello
  • You can try out a social media content strategy template, such as HubSpot’s
  • Check out The Content Planner if you prefer to write out your plan by hand

Additional social media content strategy tips: Facebook + Instagram 

As mentioned above, the top global social media sites are Facebook and Instagram. While we do not recommend that your small business be active on every social media platform, these two dominating platforms are likely to be at the center of your social media content strategy. Here are 3 content strategy tips to keep top of mind for both Facebook and Instagram.

3 Facebook content strategy tips

1) Utilize Facebook Groups – Facebook Groups are a great platform for building a digital community. 1.4 billion people use Facebook Groups in 2021! Managing a Facebook Group involves creating content, starting conversations, commenting & offering your expertise, and moderating the posts and comments from the community.

Here are some helpful guides you can refer to when building your Group:

2) Try out advertising on Facebook – Many businesses have Facebook ads at the center of their Facebook content plans. More and more brands are turning to targeted ads to boost their Facebook business pages. Facebook’s targeted advertising platform utilizes its advanced pool of data to send your message to the people who are most likely to want to see it. Check out our guide here for practical tips on how to get started with Facebook ads.

3) Use Facebook as a customer service tool – Facebook is one of the first places customers go to check out a product or service – as well as to share their thoughts about said product or service. Make sure to reply in a timely manner to comments and messages – 42% of people who have reached out to a brand, product, or company via social media for customer support expect a response within 60 minutes.

3 Instagram content strategy tips

1) Switch to an Instagram Business account – Switching to a business account is fast, free and will provide numerous benefits for your brand – including access to Instagram Insights, swipe up links for Stories, as well as contact links for your profile (phone number, email address, and directions). Check out our blog on the topic here for full insights.

2) Share more video content – Although Instagram started out as an image-driven platform – in 2021, video is more than dominating. The options for where to share video to Instagram include Stories, Feed, IGTV, Live and the newest addition, Reels. Here are 3 easy ways to get started with video on Instagram, no matter what your level of experience is.

3) Focus on engagement – On Instagram, it’s better to have 1,000 engaged followers than 100,000 silent followers who don’t interact with your content. A brand can have the most thought-out, impressive Instagram content plan – but without engagement, the strategy will prove to be ineffective.

For optimal engagement, respond daily to: Feed post comments, DMs & Story reactions.⁠ Also be sure to engage with others – comment valuable thoughts & ⁠insights on posts from accounts you follow & admire.⁠ For more tips on how to increase your Instagram engagement, here are 3 Daily Habits you can easily implement.

Keep in mind: While Facebook and Instagram stand as the world’s biggest social media platforms in 2021, TikTok is very much on the rise. Below you’ll find insights about the platform, and you can check out our guide here for tips as you build out your TikTok content marketing strategy.

15 content ideas for your social media strategy

By now you understand the value of creating a social media content plan – but what types of content should you be filling your days with? Here are 15 ideas that you can incorporate into your social media content calendar:

1. Seasonal holidays – there’s a holiday on every day of the calendar year. Obviously there are the big ones like Christmas and Valentine’s Day, but there are also fun niche ones like National Spaghetti Day (January 4th). To find today’s unique and engagement-boosting holidays, visit a site like Days of The Year or Time and Date. Find the days relevant to your brand and create content for them.


There are a number of Boosted templates you can use to celebrate seasonal holidays, such as this template for International Women’s Day:

2. Weekly hashtags – these include: #MondayMood, #TuesdayTips, #WednesdayWisdom, #ThrowbackThursday, #FridayFeeling etc. Two perks of creating a weekly content series using one of these hashtags: 1) consistency 2) if you create compelling content, your audience will continually look forward to the next weekly installment.

3. Regularly share deals & promotions – Try to advertise your sales creatively – for example, create an engaging Boosted video to notify your audience about your upcoming holiday sale, like the following:

You don’t want your entire social page to be self-promotional, so brainstorm how to incorporate your promotions in exciting, eye-catching ways.

4. Plan a live session – At least once a month, try to host a live session for your brand on social media, either on Instagram or Facebook. Remember that live videos are meant to be “raw” and unpolished. Live sessions are also a great way to build social media engagement. For more insights on the topic, check out our blog here.

5. Blog content – Sharing your blog content across your social platforms is a great way to drive traffic to your site. The insights from your blogs can be continually repurposed on social media. Two ideas for how to achieve this include: creating an infographic of interesting stats from one of your blogs or creating a quote graphic of a meaningful saying from one of your blog posts.

6. Create a tutorial – Tutorials are a great medium for content marketing. They showcase your product or service and have the potential to position you as an expert in your field. Check out our guide here to learn how to create a tutorial with Instagram Stories.

7. Share customer testimonials/reviews – Set a time once or twice a month to share positive reviews on your social media accounts. Doing so enhances social proof and builds trust with your audience. This can be a screenshot of a review from a different social platform, a share of a Story you were tagged in or a DM.

Here’s some Instagram inspiration from realtor @maegan_sold_it:

8. User generated content – Share some UGC, whether that’s a Story you were tagged in or a photo or video of someone utilizing your product or service. For more insights on how to incorporate UGC into your social media marketing content strategy, check out our guide here.

9. Run a contest or giveaway – Giveaways on social media are a great way to boost brand awareness, increase engagement, and build your following. In fact, an Instagram contest or giveaway can help you grow your followers 70% faster in 3 months (compared to holding no contest at all). For insights on how to run a successful giveaway, check out our blog here.

10. Inspirational quotes – #MondayMotivation and other types of inspirational content are continually trending on social. Pick once or twice a week to provide your audience with a #qotd. ⁠Monday works best; as it provides an opportunity to fuel your followers with inspiring words to ⁠kickstart their workweek. Also, try to avoid quotes that are either overused or irrelevant to your brand.

Here’s a Boosted template featuring a motivational quote that you can customize for your brand:

11. Ask me anything – Invite your followers to ask you any question that’s on their mind. If you have a large following, set a specific time period where you will be responding to comments. AMAs work especially well on Instagram Stories, utilizing the question sticker, or on Twitter:

12. Behind the scenes – Regularly give your audience sneak peeks into your day-to-day life. Show them your workspace, your favorite coffee shop; whatever you think will help them get to know you better. This content style works especially well for Instagram Stories.

13. Provide regular updates – Introducing a new product? Business changing locations? Update your audience on social regularly, as these changes occur. This will help your audience feel ‘in-the-know’ and connected with your brand.

14. Instagram ideas (both feed & Stories)Here are 50 Instagram Story ideas you can use for your brand, anytime, as well as 37 engaging feed post ideas. Many of these content ideas can be adapted for your Facebook content strategy, and for your other social media platforms as well.

15. TikTok content ideas – if you are working to build up your brand’s presence on TikTok, here are 41 ideas to help get you started.

Pro tip: As you move forward with your content schedule and chart out your ideas, you may want to try out content batching. This process involves planning out all of your content in one sitting. Block out a day (or a solid section of one) and plan out your copy, along with your accompanying visuals. Then, use a social media scheduler to schedule out your content for your selected amount of time (generally 1 week, 2 weeks or 1 month). Many marketers & small business owners find this to be a much more productive system than trying to create content every day or ‘when they find the time to get around to it.’

Thinking ahead: 4 social media content strategy tips for 2021 & beyond

While it’s impossible to know exactly what will happen in the realm of social media marketing in 2021, there are a number of predictions that can be made, based upon current social media trends. It is key to keep these trends in mind as you brainstorm your social media marketing content strategy for the year ahead. Here are 5 social media content strategy tips for 2021:

1. TikTok will dominate

With 800 million active users a day, TikTok is on track to reach the 1 billion user mark in 2021. At this pace, TikTok is set to have as many users as Instagram! To paint a picture of this rising platform, here are a few eye-catching TikTok statistics you should know about (source):

  • TikTok has been downloaded over 1.5 billion times on the App Store and Google Play.
  • TikTok ranked as the most downloaded app in the App Store for Q1 2019, with more than 33 million downloads.
  • TikTok users spend an average of 52 minutes a day on the app.
    90% of all TikTok users access the app on a daily basis.
  • TikTok is available in 155 countries.

Still not sure if you should be using TikTok for your business? 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16 and 24. If your target audience is on the younger side — teenagers and young adults — TikTok should be at the center of your social media content plan. TikTok has the potential to provide your business with a great ROI. You could start your own channel & create content, work with influencers or advertise on the platform. ⁣

tiktok social media marketing strategy

Even if Gen Z only makes up a small portion of your target audience – or perhaps you aren’t targeting this demographic at all – our recommendation is that it’s still worthwhile to grow your presence on the platform. While it probably shouldn’t be the main social media platform you focus on for your brand, creating an account and producing weekly content will give you an opportunity to establish yourself in your niche as the platform grows.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider growing on this rapidly rising platform as we head towards 2021:

  • It’s fun and casual – Unlike other social platforms, TikTok content is casual and spontaneous (think: lower production costs!)
  • Content can be easily repurposed – Any content you create on TikTok can be easily shared across different platforms right from the app, or you can download your content as a video or GIF to use however you like. This means more video content that you’ll be able to add to your overall social media marketing content strategy.
  • Drive traffic to Instagram and YouTube – You can link to your Instagram and YouTube accounts directly from your TikTok profile. That means that anyone who visits your TikTok page will instantly be able to follow you on those other platforms.

TikTok is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon, and is on track to continue dominating in 2021.

2. Instagram will continue heating up

In addition to TikTok, we predict that Instagram will continue to be one of the hottest social media platforms in 2021.

Although it’s been a popular platform since 2010, Instagram continues to gain momentum – and users. Instagram currently sees 1 billion monthly active users, and this amount is expected to steadily rise. One of the reasons behind this is that Instagram is continually evolving. In 2020 alone, they have released countless updates to the platform. Here are a few new features that have been added:

  • “Support Small Business” Sticker for Stories – This sticker makes it easy for users to give a shoutout to their favorite local businesses. When the sticker is added to a photo or video and then shared to Stories, a preview of the small business’ Instagram account appears.

  • Co-WatchingCo-Watching allows users to “hang out” with a friend on video chat and scroll through Instagram posts that one person has liked or saved.
  • Instagram Direct Messages on Desktop – Instagram has recently made it possible to send DMs through desktop computers and web browsers. Traditionally, the ability to send a Direct Message was only possible via Instagram’s mobile app but now, users can read and send messages, share photos and react to responses through desktop

Instagram’s users appreciate that the platform is anything but stagnant and is constantly innovating to keep up with current trends. Looking to the year ahead – it will be more important than ever to focus on your Instagram content strategy.

3. Rise of video

Video content marketing has become an integral part of every successful social media content plan. In 2019, internet users spent 6 hours and 48 minutes per week watching videos online – a staggering 59% increase from 2016. In 2021, the global average of daily video consumption is expected to hit 100 minutes per day (source). That’s the equivalent of watching 25 videos per day!

And internet users aren’t viewing just any type of video content – 54% of consumers would like to see more videos from a brand or business they support. Here are 5 practical tips for implementing more video content into your social media marketing content strategy:

  • Video marketing can be cost effective. 20% of marketers don’t utilize video for marketing because it costs too much. If you share a similar concern, it’s time to turn that thought process around: from tools like Boosted to platforms like IGTV and Instagram Live, there are a myriad of ways to create social content in 2021 without breaking the bank. For more inspiration, check out our guide here.
  • Know your dimensions. Make sure that you are always optimizing your video content for the platform that you plan on sharing it to. Refer to our Ultimate Guide to Ideal Video Size for Every Social Platform as a resource for video dimensions and sizing, as well as Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Videos for Social Media.
  • Keep your content short and sweet. When it comes to video content marketing, less is usually more. In 2021, viewers will want a video that will provide them the information that they need, faster than ever before. Plus, shorter videos can also be shared easily across more social media platforms!
  • Add captions! Most social scrollers listen to video without sound (an astounding 85% of people watch Facebook videos on mute!). Add subtitles to ensure that everyone watching will have a seamless viewing experience.⁠
  • Don’t get overwhelmed by the need to go “viral.” Remember: Viral is an organic outcome, not a marketing strategy or goal. If content of yours happens to receive millions of views – celebrate the milestone, but don’t bank on it happening again.

Check out our guide here for more video marketing tips as you brainstorm your video content marketing strategy.

4. Stories are the way to go

Social media stories have been skyrocketing in popularity over the past few years, and are expected to continue to do so. Stories show the authentic side of businesses and influencers. Brands are expected now more than ever to have an approachable digital and a relatable voice. When consumers see the day-to-day, real side of your brand, they are more likely to want to build a connection with you.

Looking ahead, it will be greatly beneficial for your business to emphasize stories as part of your social media content plan. In 2021, Instagram will continue to prove to be the most popular platform for stories – the feature is used by 500 million users every day (source: Instagram). While Instagram should be at the center of your strategy, be sure to remember that other social media platforms have robust story features as well, including:

  • Whatsapp Stories (Whatsapp Status) – 500 million daily users
  • Facebook Stories – 500 million daily users

YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter are developing story features as well, which you’ll likely be hearing more about in 2021.

Experiment and be flexible

Start implementing your plan — but stay flexible! It takes time as well as some trial and error to learn how to create a content strategy that works. 

Keep an eye on analytics, and test different practices to see what works best. Sometimes a little tweak to the timing of your posts, their frequency, or the number of hashtags you use (see 7 Quick Tips to Build an Instagram Hashtag Strategy for insights) can make a big difference.

Social media is constantly evolving and your content strategy should evolve with it. If you do your research and stay organized, you will be sure to see social media marketing success! You’ll create a stellar social media content strategy that will grow your digital presence and generate leads as you move forward with your business. 

Social Media Content Strategy Action Items:

  1. Do a short target audience brainstorm. Who are you creating content for? What’s most interesting to them and why?
  2. Set aside time in your calendar to review your previous content. Jot down some notes: where do you seem to be getting the most social engagement or business results? What are the common threads between your best performing posts?
  3. Take an hour to browse the competition and influencers in your space. Write down any content ideas that come up as you research.
  4. Decide which platforms you’ll be focusing on this year. Think: where is your target audience most likely to be?
  5. Create Goals! What do you want to accomplish with your social media content in 2021? Create 2-3 main goals and make sure that you can measure them along the way.
  6. Block off time to create your content calendar. Investing the time now means less time later!

Cori Widen is the Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks. She has been leading product marketing campaigns and doing qualitative market research in the tech industry for 10 years.

social media plan

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25 Best Advertising Quotes To Revolutionize Your Business

In the world of modern business, marketing and advertising are two distinct avenues that have barely changed since they were first invented.

In fact, since the early days of their inception at the beginning of the 20th century, the most important advertising techniques and principles have basically remained the same. The marketing and advertising techniques used by Henry Ford and Albert Einstein closely resemble those used by today’s moguls, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg.

Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of some of the most powerful quotes from some of the most innovative minds to help inspire you to revolutionize your advertising and business mindset. 

1. “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” – Mark Twain

When it comes to marketing and promoting a company, using the right words at the right time often means the difference between a successful campaign and a complete flop. 

In fact, something as simple as a blog’s tone of voice can really influence those who will read it. 

With that in mind, anytime you’re creating written content, blogs, or website copy for your business, make sure that you always take your specific target audience’s interests and behaviors into consideration.

This information can be used to help you find the right style, tone of voice, and language that will resonate with your audience, thereby increasing your chances of a positive reception! 

2. “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein

For most people, algebra and trigonometry are boring topics. However, if you’re able to take these topics and present them to your target audience in a relevant, interesting and educational manner, you’ll find your audience engaged regardless of the content.

This quote from Albert Einstein emphasizes the importance of creativity and how that creativity can actually lead to intelligence if harnessed correctly. The trick, according to Einstein, is to infuse fun into your intelligence; to experiment with new and innovative ideas. 

When we learn to let go and let our imagination and intelligence run wild, there’s no telling what type of creative ideas we’ll come up with for our businesses!

3. “Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand.” – Seth Godin

Branding for your business can take a lot of planning. Creating and establishing a brand at a level that will resonate with your consumers can take time. In order to build a brand and establish it as a leader in its industry, you must set definite goals for both your business and also for the prospective customers. 

By continuously working towards these goals, your brand will not only prove itself to your audience, but it will also help create trust – which is an essential component for any successful marketing or advertising campaign. 

4. “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford

In order to advertise successfully, you’re going to need to spend money. Depending on your industry, you might even need to spend a lot of money

In 2019, global digital ad spend rose by approximately 17.6%, bringing the global market up to a staggering $333.25 billion. 

As such, it’s crucial to understand exactly how much your advertising campaign will cost in order to properly compete with your competitors before you begin. This will take in depth planning and foresight to properly execute your ad strategy. 

The good news is that a properly planned, implemented, and executed advertising campaign can often double your money! According to ValveAndMeter, for every dollar spent on a Google Adwords campaign, most businesses can generate an average revenue of $2, or an ROI of 100%.

5. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci single handedly helped shape our current world thanks to his countless inventions and ideas, including the parachute, the diving suit, and armored vehicles. While these inventions may seem complicated, they are simple solutions to complicated problems – and not the other way around!

Similarly with advertising – anytime you’re planning an advertising strategy, try to keep your other marketing efforts as simple as possible. In the pursuit of simplicity, make sure to periodically step back and make sure you’re not over-complicating your ideas. 

Especially when it comes to marketing and advertising a brand, no matter how complex its products or services may be, it’s crucial to keep your strategy as simple as possible.

6. “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

You’ll often hear marketers talk about the importance of analyzing competitors to help determine what strategies work and which don’t.

Although competitive analysis is an important business strategy, it’s even more important for brands to first determine their own USP, or Unique Selling Points. Once a brand has figured that you, make sure to prioritize your USP and not simply copy competitor strategies. Each brand should be completely unique in itself. 

It’s important to focus on what makes your business stand out and then use this uniqueness to your advantage when creating ad strategies. You’ll stand out from your competition, instead of blending in. 

7. “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos

This advice from Jeff Bezos, the owner and founder of Amazon, will continue to ring true in the world of business for many years. 

In today’s digital era, where online reviews can make or break a company’s reputation, it is important to remember your brand will constantly need to build up authority. This authority will ultimately help your brand maintain a positive reputation. 

With Amazon, Jeff Bezos challenged himself to allow consumers from all over the world to purchase any product virtually, from the comforts of their own home. Bezo’s marketing strategy was planned so meticulously, that today almost everyone has made at least one purchase from Amazon. 

8. “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others” – Otto von Bismarck

While many of us learn our lessons the hard way, this quote is a reminder that we don’t always have to make things that hard. 

Today, there is so much information available online that you never need to feel that you have to figure it out by yourself. 

Especially in the world of marketing and advertising, there are countless online communities that are constantly teaching and helping others learn more marketing tips – straight from leaders in the field! 

Anyone who is new to advertising should begin this journey by finding a mentor or some successful leaders in your industry, whom you can learn from. 

These industry leaders, who have already gone through the trials and tribulations of advertising, can teach you the ins and outs and help you avoid making the same mistakes.  

9. “Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people” – William Butler Yeats

Everyone wants to create wise, clever advertisements. But, that doesn’t mean you should overcomplicate your approach in order to get in a witty line.

This quote reminds us that no advertisement will resonate with your audience unless it is communicated in plain, clear, and concise language. 

Most people are already hesitant to look at or click on ads in the first place; a complicated advertisement will only exacerbate this hesitation. 

Alternatively, when you create simple, readable and understandable ads, you’ll see that the simplicity will actually help you capture the consumer’s attention.  

10. “People spend money when and where they feel good” – Walt Disney

Walt Disney is a name that’s known by virtually every young child in the world – so you know he was extremely talented at advertising!

If you’ve ever watched a Disney movie, you can see that Disney took this advice and applied it to all of his videos: each Disney movie presents a crisis, but always ends on a positive note, leaving the audience happy with the story, characters and even about themselves! 

As a brand in modern society, it’s important to make your customers feel good. This positive feeling will increase your brand’s chance of a successful advertising campaign. 

Although the main goal in advertising is a positive ROI, it’s still important to try and make your audience feel good when they come across your advertising campaign. Make them laugh or share good values – and you’ll be rewarded with more business! 

11. “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” – Brian Chesky, co-founder of Airbnb

With the popularity of social media and influencer marketing, it’s easy to think that you need millions of followers to be successful in business. 

However, Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, reminds us that it’s better to at least create an idea that only a few people really like rather than creating something that millions of people only kind of like. 

By focusing exclusively on your intended audience and your unique selling points, you’ll be able to find the people that truly love what you do – instead of only “kind of” liking it. For tips on building a killer social media profile in 2021, check out this article.

12. “Give them quality. That is the best kind of advertising.” – Milton Hershey, entrepreneur

Hershey’s chocolate is one of the most popular chocolate brands in North America – and all around the world. 

But what distinguishes Hershey’s from other similar chocolatiers? What really helped distinguish the brand from its competitors? Hershey differentiated his chocolate brand from his competitors by continuing to refine and perfect his chocolate product until he found the absolute highest quality recipe he could come up with. 

In Hershey’s opinion, this quality itself was what helped set his brand apart. 

When you have a high-quality product, people are more likely to spread the word about it quickly, doing all of the advertising for you! 

13. “Social media creates communities, not markets.” – Don Schultz, marketing pioneer

For anyone looking to advertise on social media, always keep this quote in mind – it is extremely important!

It is crucial that advertisers remember that social media is about community involvement, it isn’t primarily a marketplace meant for advertising and selling products or services. 

Of course, that’s not to say that you can’t advertise and promote yourself on social media. In fact, because of how many people use social media, advertising on these platforms can definitely be one of the profitable ways to advertise. 

But, it is first and foremost important to remember social media is intended as a community building platform, rather than a way for businesses to find consumers for their products.

The key to remember is that only once a brand has established a community can marketing campaigns become more natural to the audience.

14. “Content is king.” – Bill Gates

It’s been said that knowledge is the most powerful weapon. 

This means that knowledge is one of the most useful tools you can use to leverage your brand’s advertising and marketing strategies. 

Although many brands think that advertising is simply a chance to sell themselves and their products, this simply isn’t the case. If your brand creates information marketing and advertising campaigns, the information can actually engage the audience and make them more likely to purchase your product.

15. “Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.” – Ann Handley, head of content at MarketingProfs

Anybody can spin a fanciful story, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to help your brand connect with its audience. 

Although brand storytelling is one of the most effective copywriting techniques, it’s more than just writing a story. Successful copywriting will tell your brand’s story in a truthful manner that your audience will also engage with.

16. “Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do. And people are trying to communicate in a certain way on Facebook – they share information with their friends, they learn about what their friends are doing – so there’s really a whole new opportunity for a new type of advertising model within that.” – Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, the owner and founder of Facebook, reminds us that the Facebook platform is actually relatively new to the world of advertising. 

But, that doesn’t mean that advertising on Facebook isn’t a good idea…..

Much to the contrary, in 2016 alone, the platform’s advertising revenue maxed out at a staggering $6.239 billion in only the second quarter (Q2). This number has only increased since then!

Additionally, advertising on Facebook is simple, cost-effective, and can hyper-target an audience. This is why Facebook ads boast an average click-through rate of about 1%.

If you’re not already advertising on Facebook, what are you waiting for? 

17. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou, poet

Maya Angelou has moved thousands of people in her lifetime by evoking powerful emotions in her poetic works. 

Poetry aside, her statement rings true in today’s modern advertising environment. 

Next time you’re planning an advertising campaign, make sure not to spend too much time focusing on how the ad looks – rather, focus on the emotions the ad will convey to your audience. These targeted and careful throughout emotions can help make your ads more relevant and relatable to your viewers. 

18. “Less is more. Keeping it simple takes time and effort.” –Jeff Bullas, digital marketing influencer

It’s easy to overcomplicate things, especially when planning a large marketing or advertising campaign. 

However, as one of the industry’s leading influencers reminds us, less is often more. Even in advertising and marketing! So, make sure to simplify your campaigns. It works! Just ask Jeff Bezos.

19. “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” –Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.

Successfully branding and advertising a business doesn’t happen overnight.

Branding is the end goal, while advertising is the tool that brands use to establish themselves and authority in their industry. This authority will ultimately help brands attain their goals. 

It is crucial to establish your brand and set specific guidelines in line with your brand before planning and implementing any type of advertising strategies. 

Once your brand has been created, you can then use advertising and marketing strategies more effectively to help you boost your brand and it’s image.

20. “If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” –Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks

Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, reminds us about the importance of tapping into human values in advertising.

Starbucks often does this by offering ethically-sourced coffee and products, which makes consumers feel good about spending their money at Starbucks. 

When a brand shares the same values as its audience, it’s easier for people to relate to the brand and increases the likelihood of people buying from that brand over other competitors. 

21. “Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealized, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust.” –Richard Branson, founder of The Virgin Group

Perfection is only an illusion, even in the business world.

That’s why it is vital to make sure that your advertising efforts don’t portray overly perfected or unrealistic expectations about your brand. 

Consumers will either see directly through these false expectations, or when they find out that advertising campaigns were simply falsified, you can be certain that next time they’ll use another, more honest brand to source their products. 

22. “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” –Wendy Piersall, writer & blogger

When it comes to advertising and promoting any brand online, it is important to rank well on Google. 

Marketers often spend much of their time optimizing their websites to rank well on Google, but they forget that they need their websites to also appeal to real, live humans! 

In the past, it was easy to trick search engines by simply stuffing keywords into your posts or pages. However, those days have passed, and today Google is now able to understand context of the keywords better.

If you’re building a website or creating content that isn’t well-written or informative, Google will see directly through your efforts and your website’s rankings will suffer. 

Creating quality content that people spend time reading and looking at, will signal to Google that you offer high quality content and your rankings will benefit. 

23. “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” –Tom Fishburne, “marketoonist”

When you know that a person is trying to sell you a product, how often do you actually pay attention to what they’re saying? 

Typically, you’ll smile and nod along, but you won’t have any interest in buying. 

But, this all changes when marketers emote feelings and emotions in their ads; consumers are more likely to effortlessly relate to these types of ads, in turn increasing the likelihood of a positive reception. Relatable and emotional ads make people more likely to click on your ads without feeling as if they’re being hounded for their money. 

24. “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative” – David Ogilvy

If you want success in advertising, make sure that your ads are as creative as possible. You want to stand out from your competition, not blend in!

You need to make sure that your ad content is fun, engaging, yet informational as well. 

In order to make your ads stand out, it’s crucial to go the extra mile and ensure that your ads are creative and unique. 

When people see innovative, creative ads, they’re more likely to engage with that brand vs. a brand that creates generic or overused ad content. 

25. “Sell the problem you solve. Not the product you make.” –Unknown

While this last quote comes from an anonymous source, is nonetheless just as important as any others on the list. 

Most consumers are already fed up with advertising well even before you launch your campaign. An estimated 70% of consumers find ads annoying and would rather not see them at all. 

Therefore, when planning your next advertising campaign, you need to avoid making it all about your brand.

Instead, your ad content should be tailored to your target audience and always geared towards your specific audience. To make your ads effective, emphasize how your brand’s products can solve your audience’s problems. 

By doing this, you’ll be showing them how your product can change their lives; how your solution can make it much more convenient. 

This ideology will transform your ads into information that your customers are actually looking for. 

Modern Advertising In The Digital World

Modern digital advertising can be a complicated and overwhelming place. However, with the quotes compiled here, you can learn from the best how to navigate all the advertising noise. And who better to take advertising advice from than those whose names are known exactly for their marketing prowess. 

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Do These 5 Things to Build Trust on Social Media

By: Cori Widen, Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks

In 2020, customers are looking for brands they can trust which means that building a positive reputation with potential customers is more important than ever for businesses. And social media is the perfect tool for companies to connect with customers and build brand loyalty.

Why is building trust with potential customers on social media so important? According to research from Accenture, two-thirds of customers would rather purchase a product/service from a business that aligns with their own values and will actually avoid companies who don’t.

Building trust with customers on social media isn’t going to happen overnight it’s something your business will need to always think about and work on. But once you’ve built trust with your customers, they’ll be more engaged, loyal and supportive of your business.

1. Create Quality Content

It’s always important for businesses to post high-quality content on social media. This is the first step to building trust with potential customers for several reasons.

Firstly, how are customers supposed to trust a business if their social media posts are full of grammatical and/or spelling errors? Or if a company’s feed is full of images that are low quality or blurry? Beyond having clean, professional photos and well-written social captions, quality content needs to actually be helpful and valuable to your customers.

In order to create quality content and build trust through social media posts, it’s essential to understand your customer’s pain points first. Then, focus on creating content that answers their questions, provides value and starts a conversation. Here’s some inspiration from brand, web and content designer @lindscholz:

2. Share Customer Testimonials

You might already know that sharing customer testimonials are a great social media tactic to increase engagement, but did you know it’s also an effective way to build trust with potential customers? Encourage your current customers to post about their experiences with your business and reshare their posts. Sharing customer testimonials will help build more trust with your customers than just talking about your business yourself. In fact, 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust customer reviews as much as they would trust their friends’ recommendations. Not only do consumers today highly value testimonials they also are more likely to trust brands who share user-generated content with 90% of shoppers saying UGC directly impacts their purchasing decisions.

Vancouver-based @bia_skincare recently shared the following customer testimonial:

3. Provide Customer Service

If you are a business, you are likely already providing some level of customer service through your social media platforms. Consumers today expect to be able to easily communicate with businesses and social media provides your company with a valuable way to answer their questions and interact with customers. Provide the best customer service possible by responding quickly, building an open dialogue and offering personalized solutions. If you try to go above and beyond, especially for unhappy customers, they will appreciate your helpfulness and trust your business more than ever.

4. Get Behind the Camera

It’s easier for customers to trust a business when they know exactly who they’re buying from, so don’t be afraid to get behind the camera more often. Nothing is more personable than videos show yourself on video to create a deeper connection and build more trust with potential customers. Share about yourself, your products or offer some helpful advice. Not sure where to start with video content? It’s easy to create high-quality marketing videos with Boosted’s easy-to-use templates and free stock video library.


How to create a video in less than 3 min for your biz! ✨ Click the in my bio to download the app in the App Store/Google Play #ad

♬ original sound – Jera Foster-Fell

5. Share Your Values

Showing your customers that your brand values align with theirs is possibly the most important step for businesses to build trust. Brand values are more than just a mission statement your brand values help define your business’ personality and let your customers know more about your purpose, besides just making sales.

Don’t be afraid to post on social media about the social causes you are passionate about and how your business supports those values. Did you know 78% of consumers want companies to address important social justice issues and 87% of people stated they would purchase a product based on a business’ brand values?

Building trust through social media has never been so important. And it’s not a quick and easy thing to do – but if your business takes the time to really connect in an authentic and transparent way, you’ll see many benefits from the trust your customers have in you.

Cori Widen is the Product Marketing Lead at Boosted by Lightricks. She has been leading product marketing campaigns and doing qualitative market research in the tech industry for 10 years.

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IGTV vs. YouTube

Which is Better for Your Business and Influencer Marketing?

Everywhere you look in 2020, video is taking over the web. From six-second TikToks to YouTube channels with over 100 million subscribers, people just want video. According to a recently updated survey of over 3,000 consumers by HubSpot, 54% of consumers want more video content from the brands they love. You just can’t beat video for engagement, conversions, and brand awareness!

But where should you be sharing your videos? IGTV or YouTube? With all the social media available these days and all of them following the consumer trends, you have several choices when it comes to posting your video content. We’ll take a look at the pros and cons between two of the top video platforms, YouTube vs. IGTV, to help you make your choice. 

Video Length

Your second consideration should be the length of your videos. (We’ll talk about your first consideration in a moment.) IGTV limits your videos to 10 minutes, so if you’re going for a lengthy instructional type or a feature-length entertainment piece, you’re going to want to go with YouTube.

If your account is verified, you can post videos that are up to 12 hours long (Upload Videos Longer Than 15 Minutes). However, if your aim is to fish followers and leads with fun and informative shorts, IGTV might be your best bet. 

Sharing Capability

You’ve probably seen YouTube videos scattered all over the web, shared on social media and embedded in blog posts. Google isn’t worried about losing its position as the world’s biggest video platform, so they’ll let you share your videos all over the place.

IGTV, on the other hand, isn’t as interested in losing control of the content. They also don’t allow you to share YouTube videos to their platform. When it comes to sharing, Google FTW!


Because Google owns YouTube, YouTube videos more frequently appear on the first page of search results and it’s easy to search YouTube itself for practically anything. You’ll never see any Instagram TV on Google’s search results, but that’s actually not because of Google!

IGTV only allows their content to be accessed on Instagram, so you can only be discovered or find new content when searching on Instagram itself. This makes searching IGTV for content more difficult than searching YouTube. You can’t just type in keywords or topics. You have to search specific users or hashtags to find related videos. 


When it comes to analytics, it’s another no-brainer. Google has entire products dedicated to providing accurate analytics to help you adjust and improve your marketing.

The same goes for YouTube. They show you the in-depth engagement stats you can use to tailor your campaigns. IGTV provides enough analytics to show trends, but they don’t go much deeper. Depending on how much insight you need, either one could work for you. 


Your first consideration should be your audience. Where are they? What do they do? Who is your target audience? The other factors don’t matter nearly as much as making sure your content gets to the people you need to see it. Before you make any decisions, find your niche audience and build a home there. It’s always possible to branch out in the future.

All of these together will help you understand which video marketing tool is best for you and for your business! Check them all out now!

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4 Best TikTok Alternatives

As the world’s sixth-largest social media platform, TikTok is a serious competitor in the branding and marketing sector. Their 800 million monthly users provide the perfect audience for a lot of brands. The problem is that they can be a bit limited.

If your audience isn’t under 20 years old, TikTok might not deliver the best returns on your ad spend and branding campaigns. There’s no linking, tracking, or any kind of useful monitoring to speak of. These limitations have a lot of marketers looking for TikTok alternatives, and there are plenty to choose from. 


Clash is a platform created by former Vine star Brendon McNerney. It combines the best of Vine and TikTok with an emphasis on creator monetization. You can share looping videos that are up to 21 seconds long and popular content is delivered on the “Now Serving” page, the same type of effortless content feed that made TikTok so successful. Clash doesn’t provide sound bites, so creators are responsible for their audio. As of August 2020, Clash had over 200k users


Speaking of Vine, meet Byte. Six-second, looping videos and creators you can follow. If it sounds familiar, that’s because it was created by Dominik Hofmann, the creator of Vine. The fall of our beloved Vine can be mostly attributed to a failure to compete with the features other leading social media platforms were offering. The stars went elsewhere. Byte is making an obvious effort to reward creators with monetization and rich features, but since it’s so similar to TikTok, it will have a hard time gaining market share now that we’ve already replaced Vine.


Triller has carved out its own niche as an AI-assisted music video platform. It was the most downloaded app in the App Store in a record-breaking 50 countries as of August 2020, according to their press release. Triller allows you to record several takes of yourself performing a song and then uses patented AI and editing technology to combine the best takes into a professional-quality music video in seconds.


Funimate makes you pay for advanced features, which, off-the-bat, is an issue for most consumers and creators. The incredibly versatile editing software for the looping videos and the extensive audio library have some serious potential. You can even collab with other users on Funimate just like TikTok’s Duet. At the moment, however, it’s performing about as well as any other pay-to-play product with less than 900k downloads.

The Obvious TikTok Alternative Choices

We’ve gone over some of the underdogs, but there are also a few obvious alternatives to TikTok as well. Snapchat has a larger over-30 audience, a ton of great editing features, an advertising mechanism, and still boasts 210 million daily active users.

YouTube is used by 73% of U.S. adults and we know it’s not going anywhere anytime soon (perks of being run by Google). Instagram has three video content formats (Reels, IGTV, and Stories) that are all continuing to perform well.

TikTok is still the king of short, looping videos, there are plenty of platforms out there serving your audience with the features you need!

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IGTV vs. Reels vs. Instagram Stories

Is Instagram Taking Over the Online Video Market? The IGTV vs Reels Vs Stories debate gets real.

Large social media platforms can’t stand to see each other create, develop, and launch new ideas without immediately releasing their own version of the tool, feed, or platform. As social media everywhere becomes more video-centric, Instagram seems to have established a solid corner of the market with IGTV, Stories, and Reels. But what’s the purpose of having three video content formats on one platform and how are they different?

Instagram TV (IGTV)

IGTV is the YouTube of Instagram. It’s a place where people can post their edited, high-quality videos in long format, up to 10 minutes. The app can be accessed directly or through your Instagram account. One key difference between YouTube vs IGTV is IGTV’s vertical orientation as the selfie culture seems to prefer the vertical format. Another big difference is that verified accounts on YouTube can take up to 12 hours to upload, while it is much faster to upload a video to IGTV on Instagram.

Marketing on IGTV

While IGTV isn’t exactly a competitor to YouTube, it is a pretty solid video platform in its own right. If you can create content that appeals to your audience, make sure to keep the content short, and remember to include links that advance your marketing goals. Additionally, with tons of awesome video creation apps, like Boosted available to download, it’s easier than ever to make professional IGTV videos. You can also always repurpose the IGTV content and share these videos to Instagram Stories and other channels as well. Check out our guide to IGTV for your business here.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are temporary posts that are either pictures or short videos, usually accompanied with text or other special effects. Ring any bells? That’s right! Snapchat. Stories is Instagram’s response to Snapchat. Hashtags, polls, and countdowns make IG Stories an interactive and effective platform for video marketing and engaging with your audience. 

Marketing on IG Stories

Stories make it easy to engage your audience with just the tiniest bit of creativity. You only have to hold people’s attention for 15 seconds. Throw in a fun poll or a catchy hashtag and you’ve got brand visibility and an engaged following! Still debating whether to use Instagram Stories in your marketing strategy? Check out this pros and cons list of Instagram Stories for your business here.


Once you recognize the trends of copying Snapchat and YouTube, you could have guessed that the next platform to emulate would be TikTok! Instagram Reels is a short-format video feed where users can post 15-second clips to make people laugh, show off a skill, or market their brand. While Reels is relatively new, it hasn’t made the same splash into the video marketing social media arena as TikTok, in fact, most of Reels videos are simply mostly TikTok reposts. 

Marketing on IG Reels

While Reels will probably never achieve the success that TikTok achieved, it still presents a great marketing opportunity. Reels allows its user to create content that quickly highlights a product, shows some behind-the-scenes of your company culture, or illustrates the benefit your customers and clients have received. They’re really simple to create on the platform itself or you can use video creation apps, like Boosted, to create something a bit different! You can just make entertaining content that gets your brand in front of the right people! Need more Instagram Reels information? Check out this business owner’s guide to Instagram Reels


When it comes to IGTV vs Reels vs Stories, each platform offers something a little different, so you should take your audience and your preference into consideration, but if you’re going for marketing impact, your best bet is going to be Instagram Stories.

According to the 2019 Social Media Marketing Report, 38% of marketers are using Instagram Stories while only 26% are using IGTV. Reels is too new to be on the 2019 report, but we know Instagram’s existing reach will most likely make Reels into yet another considerable platform, judging by the millions of views already claimed by NBA channels, Louis Vuitton, and others!

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