11 Instagram Content Ideas for Product-Based Businesses

It can be difficult to come up with creative social media content ideas for your small business. Service-based businesses face the challenge of not having a physical product to post about, while product-based businesses have the opposite struggle what should they be sharing on social media aside from their products?

If you’re a product-based business owner having trouble coming up with content ideas for Instagram, we’re here to help! Sharing photos of your products is great, but it’s ideal to share a variety of content types. Get inspired by these 11 Instagram content ideas for your product-based business.

1. Showcase your packaging One of the fun parts of being a product-based business is bringing your branding to life through packaging. You’ve probably put in a lot of effort to ensure that your customers have an enjoyable unboxing experience, so why not show off your packaging on Instagram?

2. Mood board inspo Instagram is all about the aesthetics! Share a mini mood board for your brand. Simply collect a few photos that show off your brand’s personality and create a quick collage. This is a great idea for both your Feed and your Stories as well. Read Next: 21 Ideas to Revamp Your Social Media for 2021.

Get inspired by @blushsidemotherhood’s mood board:


3. Photos of your supplies or tools You can showcase more than just your finished product! Taking photos of the supplies or tools you use in your product-based business makes for great Instagram content because it shares a new perspective into how your products are created and opens up a conversation about creating with your customers. Here’s a behind the scenes look at how @homebody.handmade creates their product:


4. Extra close-up product shot Snap photos of your products extra close-up. This works really well for product-based businesses that have products with interesting textures. Read Next: 8 Ways to Spice Up Your Brand’s Instagram Feed.

@Bia_skincare achieved this effect beautifully in a recent Feed post:


5. Behind the scenes Invite your customers to go behind the scenes with you! Share videos or photos of your day-to-day, whether you’re packaging, working on your website or creating your products. This type of content works great for for Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories. Read: 7 Secrets For Entrepreneurs to Get The Most Out of Instagram Stories.

Check out this behind the scenes post from @taudreyjewelry21:


6. Your go-to work essentials As an entrepreneur, you’re working hard and often doing a million things at once. What are the things that help you be most productive during a busy day of work? Arrange all of your go-to work essentials on your desk for a quick, flat-lay photo to post on Instagram, like this one from @workspacery:


7. Your hobbies What are some of your favorite hobbies (aside from your business of course!)? Share what your favorite hobbies are to help your customers get to know you on a more personal level. Not only will this provide you with some really easy Instagram content, but it will make your brand more human and can spark some new and interesting conversations.

8. Something funny! There are so many funny memes, quotes and tweets on the internet…why not share some humorous content on your Instagram to make your followers smile? This type of content works best when you tie it back to your brand. You can even customize it to match your branding. If you are using someone else’s tweet or quote, just be sure to properly give credit.

Here’s a great example from @functionofbeauty:


9. Product benefits video How do you tell your customers your products are great without actually telling them your products are great? Make a video that shows off your products! While you don’t want to fill your entire Feed with product photos, you certainly will want to have videos that highlight some of your products’ best benefits on Instagram. Here’s some inspiration from @bite:


Once you’ve created a few high-quality marketing videos, you can share them to your Feed, Reels and to your Stories! If you aren’t a video pro, no problem check out Boosted for easily customizable video templates you can create for your brand.

10. Motivational quotes One of the easiest types of content to create and post to Instagram on a regular basis is motivational quotes. Find a few quotes that you love and make a photo or video that matches your branding to post on Instagram. You could even do this on a certain day each week so that your customers can continually look forward to consuming some inspiring content from you.


11. Introduce yourself Has it been a while since you’ve introduced yourself to your customers? You’ve likely grown your Instagram account this past year and some of your newer followers might not know too much about you. Share a few fun facts, the inspiration for your products and a photo of yourself, like @wander.and.roam did here:


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