What does it take to be a Social Media Content Creator in 2021?

If you’re a social media manager or content creator, or even if you’re just an avid social media user, you’re probably very familiar with the most popular social platforms in the industry.

Social media is dominating in 2021. The world’s largest social network by all age groups is currently Facebook – boasting a staggering 2.4 billion users! On top of that, about one-in-three people on the planet are using at least one social media network every single day. This all means one thing: a social media content creator is more important than ever.

Do you want to be a social media content creator?

Social media presents a huge marketing opportunity for businesses of any size. No matter what industry or niche you or your business is a part of, there’s bound to be an ideal platform to help you target the right audience. Instagram or Pinterest, for example, are the best social platforms for brands that rely heavily on imagery.

Or, TikTok, which is the best platform to use if you’re targeting a younger audience. People are no longer just using the king of social media: Facebook. In fact, according to the Huffington Post, today’s younger demographic are less likely to be on Facebook and are significantly more likely to be found using platforms like Snapchat, TikTok or Instagram.

What exactly is a social media content creator?

A social media content creator is a position title for the person who is responsible for managing a brand’s social presence, on any number of social media networks including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more.

A social media content creator may be the one to actually create original content and posts, or they may outsource the actual content but maintain responsibility to manage the process from start to finish.

The goal of a social media content creator is generate social media engagement while also keeping the brand voice and strategy on both a macro and micro level.

8 Social Media Content Creator Platforms:

With all of this in mind, it is key to understand that not every social network is ideal for your brand. Read on to learn more about the top 5 social media platforms for 2021, and discover the best ways to leverage them as a social media content creator.

1. Instagram

As you already know, Instagram is a popular social platform for sharing images, quick videos and 24-hour stories with your followers. But for brands and content creators alike, Instagram can be an extremely powerful way to reach a massive audience. In fact, according to Hashoff, roughly 91.9% of influencers choose Instagram as the ideal platform for their marketing efforts. And with roughly 800 million active users, it’s easy to imagine why.

A notable Instagram feature includes IGTV, which can be used to create and promote longer-form videos, podcasts, and livestreams.

Instagram is also known for hashtags – which are a great way to reach new audiences on the platform. Check out our guide for more in-depth strategizing: 7 Quick Tips to Build an Instagram Hashtag Strategy.

Both of these features can be used to help reach a much wider audience than just your followers.

Instagram can also be linked to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr for simplified social sharing. On top of this, Instagram allows private accounts, which can be a useful feature for brands that don’t want to be as exposed online.

On the downside, Instagram is primarily designed as an image -sharing platform.

If you’re looking to create and share mainly video content for your brand, Instagram probably isn’t going to be your ideal platform. Although you can make good use of IGTV, Instagram just isn’t as versatile as YouTube when it comes to sharing videos.

Instagram Marketing for Social Media Content Creators

#Instagram Content Creator Pro Tip: Brand Storytelling

Yes, Instagram is a great place to post stunning photos, but if you don’t tell a story, you can’t expect to engage your audience.

Framing a narrative around the images that you post is what is going to cause your followers to develop an emotional connection with you. Telling a story in the comment section is also a great way to turn an unexceptional photo into one that tugs at the heart strings or brings out an otherwise emotional response in the reader.

Perhaps you just posted an image of you at a stunning beach. There is beautiful scenery presented, but what story is the image telling? What was your day like before you arrived there? How were you feeling emotionally?

As a content creator, you must make sure to tell your followers the story of how the picture came to be and it suddenly takes on a new life for them. They say a picture is worth a 1000-words, but some stories simply require a bit more than that.

Our Favorite Instagram Example for Social Media Content Creators to Learn From:


The Humans of New York Instagram account, with approximately 10.7 million followers, is the perfect example of a story narrative turning unexceptional images into emotional journeys for every social media content creator to learn from.

Each post is simply the image of a person and their story. The images posted rarely show anything other than the person with a passport-photo emotionless stare.

However, the story in the comments section on the other hand, shares the person’s most intimate stories of struggle.

Some people share stories of overcoming addiction to drugs, alcohol, or video games. Others share stories of struggling at school or in their place of employment. Then, after reading all about the person’s most difficult hardships, the unappealing passport-quality photo takes on a whole new life and creates feelings of deep sympathy within the reader.

2. Facebook

With nearly 2.4 billion users, almost one-third of the entire global population can be found on Facebook every single day. Because of this potential exposure to such a huge audience – it’s easy to see why Facebook marketing for content creators is such a big opportunity for brands.

On top of being wildly popular, Facebook is also famous for providing some of the best targeting and retargeting capabilities when it comes to running PPC advertisements. This is because Facebook pulls a ton of information from its users, including all sorts of things they like and follow. Instead of being restricted to targeting your ads based on age groups, locations or genders, you can hyper-focus them to a narrower target audience, who exhibit very specific interests or behaviors.

For example, instead of targeting females between the age of 18 to 26, you can target females between the age of 18 to 26, who have recently purchased a new home AND who enjoy hockey. This type of very precise targeting is one benefit that’s unique to Facebook, and won’t be found on any other social platforms. Check out our helpful guide here for creating your first Facebook ad for more insights.

On the other hand, although Facebook is a great place to generate organic buzz about your brand, you’re going to have to pay up if you want to see growth. In fact, in recent years, Facebook has become a platform where businesses pretty much need to pay for ads if they want any chance of standing out from their competition.

At the same time, Facebook users aren’t known to be quiet about brands that don’t quite live up to their expectations. In other words, it’s easy for bad opinions about your brand to float around on the network. And sadly, because of how easy it is to share information on Facebook, all it takes is a few unhappy customers to completely ruin an online reputation.

From being able to leave negative reviews on your page to sharing their disgruntled opinions with their family and friends, being on Facebook truly leaves your brand exposed to the mercy of your customers. If you’re providing good-quality products or services though, you shouldn’t have to worry about this too much.

#Facebook Content Creator Pro Tip: Create Dialogue

Social media content creation is all about engagement, and even your long-form written content needs people commenting, sharing, and liking in order for it to perform well.

Creating a dialogue on your Facebook posts will go a long way to bringing in new potential followers and ensuring you are showing up in the timelines of some of your less engaged supporters.

In fact, the more engagement your posts receive, the more Facebook’s algorithm is going to push your it to the top of people’s timelines.

Unfortunately, we’re learning a lot about what drives people to interact with posts these days and not everything we learn is positive. Controversial posts that divide people on topics which they are emotionally connected with often see higher levels of engagement. However, posting about such topics isn’t always going to fit with your brand.

Avoiding politics and controversial subjects is likely the route you want to go if you don’t want your post littered with angry comments.

Thankfully, simply asking questions such as “What are your favorite pizza toppings?” or “Caption this photo” are pretty easy ways to keep your followers engaged without having to resort to controversial subjects when it comes to content creation on Facebook and all social platforms.

Regardless, the key is to actually directly engage with them by asking questions and starting conversations.

If your followers are on your page because of your posts about food, ask them their opinions on various dishes. Are they on your page because you are an expert in a certain field? Ask them for their opinions on related topics.

The more you encourage your followers to engage with a post, the more that post is going to be seen by others. In turn, this can help increase your reach and expand your fanbase.

Our Favorite Facebook Content Creators Example:


With over 68 million followers, Netflix has one of the largest and most engaged Facebook pages online.

Seemingly, all they have to do to create engagement amongst their followers is to post news about upcoming movies, TV shows, and more. But even Netflix goes one step further to engage its audience by asking questions to create dialogue.

In fact, posts with titles such as “The Umbrella Academy stars Tom Hopper and Justin Min decide once and for all: Who’s Hotter?” appear regularly on Netflix’s Facebook page.

The enthusiastic dialogue in the comments section then helps ensure that even more Netflix subscribers are aware that The Umbrella Academy is currently streaming on the service.

3. YouTube

YouTube isn’t used by businesses quite as often as Instagram and Facebook are. However, it is another extremely popular platform, with the potential to help your videos reach millions of people around the world.

In fact, it’s estimated that there are more than 5 billion videos viewed on YouTube each and every day. This makes it the world’s 2nd largest search engine, and the 3rd most used website, only preceded by Google and Facebook.

One of the best parts about YouTube is that brands can share videos on the platform for free. Like with other social platforms, only advertisers need to pay to promote their content. With that in mind, marketing on YouTube is great for small businesses or startups that just don’t have a lot of capital to invest into their online marketing efforts. Boosted is a great tool for creating YouTube videos. Boosted is a video maker app that enables you to create professionally-designed videos, in minutes.

You can use your own footage or select stock footage, and then add text and other elements to customize. It’s free to download and use (you can upgrade to access all video templates), which is always a plus for any small business looking to expand their reach. Here’s an example of the type of YouTube content you can create with VideoBoost:

Another great thing about using YouTube is that you can easily share your videos to other social networks, like Facebook or Twitter. And once your account is verified, there’s also no limit on the length of video you can post. So you’ll be free to post anything from short introductory videos to hour-long classes, seminars, or speeches. However, studies have shown that videos between 2 to 3 minutes are ideal for keeping your viewers entertained, without losing their attention.
Another powerful YouTube feature is that you can start your own channel and subscribe to other people’s channels as well. By doing this, other channels will be notified that you’re now following them. And in return, hopefully, they’ll return the favor and follow you back.

But the truth is that using YouTube isn’t all roses. It comes with a few downsides as well. The truth is that videos – especially videos that people are going to enjoy watching and want to share, take a lot of time and commitment, which is something you might not have as a small business. Another downside to using YouTube is that there is no guarantee people are going to actually see your videos. Even if you spend thousands of dollars creating a highly-targeted HD video, you might only get a few people who end up watching it.

At the end of the day, if you’re a content creator, you already understand the work involved in creating world-class content. Once you’ve mastered that, using YouTube to promote your brand should come to you naturally.

If you are looking to create video on other platforms, we have you covered. Boosted is an ideal video maker for every social platform: FacebookInstagramTikTokLinkedIn, & YouTube.

#YouTube Content Creator Pro Tip: Keep it Short

Even the top YouTubers today need to play into YouTube’s algorithms, or else their videos won’t perform as well as they want them to. So in order to expand your reach and get as many views as possible, you need to play into YouTube’s algorithms by keeping your videos short and to-the-point.

Anything approaching the 20-minute mark tends to be risky and anything over 25 is simply not advised, especially for less established brands, which are advised to keep their videos around 5 to 15 minutes maximum.

Viewers not watching your videos all the way through hurt your standing in YouTube’s ever-evolving algorithm, and results in your video appearing in the feeds of fewer people.

If you are confident your 20-minute video is engaging enough to keep people watching all the way through, then go for it. But in general, it’s probably best to keep your videos shorter though.

A quick 5-minute video, that is both engaging and entertaining, is a great way to introduce new viewers to your channel.

Probably the Most Famous YouTube Content Creator:

Even world-renowned YouTuber PewDiePie keeps his videos short when posting to his 106 million subscribers.

In fact, most of the videos on his channel fall under the 20-minute mark. Gamers and channels dedicated to video games often have longer posts as fans watch a YouTuber play a video game.

However, for longer types of video content like this, it’s usually best to aim for doing a “live stream” rather than uploading your pre-recorded content. 

4. Twitter

People often feel that Twitter is limiting, simply because you can’t tweet anything longer than 280 characters. But when you consider the fact that Twitter has more than 330 million monthly users, it’s easy to see why it can be extremely effective for a small business’ marketing strategy.

On top of providing you with the potential to reach millions of other users, there are also a few other platform-specific perks that it offers. For example, Twitter is an excellent resource for keeping you or your team up to date on the latest trends in your industry. By following the right accounts and keeping an eye on your feed, you’ll see what other people in your field are talking about. This can go a long way in helping guide your future marketing efforts and content creation decisions.

Twitter can also be used to provide your audience with live coverage of any events you might be hosting. In fact, “live-tweeting” your conferences or webinars is a great way to make your events more accessible to everyone, even those unable to attend, and it will work to keep people engaged at the same time.

Twitter can also be a great tool for providing support to your customers. In fact, today, many brands rely solely on Twitter as their main contact point for customer service. Users are able to tweet or message a business with their questions, comments or complaints. By answering and replying to mentions in a timely and considerate manner, brands can work at building better relationships with their customers.

Plus, by stripping away any unnecessary communication (due to the 280 character limit), your responses will be more focused and direct. In turn, customers will get a better idea of what your brand is like to deal with.
At the same time though, it’s estimated that about 500 million tweets are made on the platform every single day. It’s hard to guarantee that any of your tweets will actually get noticed amongst the millions of others being tweeted at the same time.

However, news stories or news-related tweets tend to get the best reception on Twitter. So if you’re in an industry that has a lot of ongoing developments or is constantly changing, Twitter might just be one of the best platforms for your business.Social Media Content Creator Guide: Twitter

#Twitter Content Creator Pro Tip: Consistency

Most social media platforms value consistent posting and push the most active accounts to the top of people’s timelines. And this is perhaps most applicable for Twitter, however, and you’ll need to be mindful of this if you want to succeed on the platform.

Twitter is filled with people publishing multiple posts a day and the amount of new content posted to the Twitter-sphere every second is mind-boggling.

So to get noticed within this cluttered world, you need to be posting engaging content with regularity. Even the best and most expertly-crafted posts won’t do well if they are published by an account that is typically inactive.

Unfortunately, for many content creators on Twitter, this can be a challenge.

This is where scheduling your Tweets can be an easy way for your account to remain active, consistently posting content, even while you’re unplugged, and off somewhere, relaxing and reading a book.

Twitter Content Creation is Still a Thing

Comedian Sarah Silverman shared an interesting story about how ensuring her Twitter feed was consistently posting content came back to bite her in 2017 while on the Jimmy Fallon show.

Silverman noted that she will craft Tweets and schedule to have them sent out to her 12 million followers at a later time so that the content she posts is spread out.

Although Silverman is already a famous comedian and actress, having her account active, posting content regularly throughout the day, week, and month, she guarantees that she’ll remain at the top of the list when her followers open up to app to check their feeds. And of course, as one of Twitter’s more prolific celebrity content creators, she keeps a steady dose of comedy and sarcasm for her fans.

5. Pinterest

Pinterest allows you to easily share “Pins” and create “Boards” containing all sorts of visual media. But beyond being a photo-sharing platform, Pinterest is one of the most powerful social platforms for driving traffic to websites, and gives a ton of opportunity for any content creator in 2021.

In fact, according to Hootsuite, Pinterest is capable of driving 3x times more traffic than other platforms, saving advertisers about 80% less on marketing. Pinterest outranks both Twitter and YouTube when it comes to providing websites with referral traffic.

If you’re looking for one the best ways to generate traffic and grow your online presence, Pinterest is the way to go. Another neat fact about Pinterest, according to SocialMarketingWriting, is that the lifetime of a pin is roughly 1,680x longer than a Facebook post. This means that instead of only being active for a few days, your Pins will be shown to other Pinterest users for weeks, possibly even months, after being published. For somewhat of a snowball effect, you can even repin your old pins every now and again to ensure that you continue to generate traffic for months on end.

On top of this, Pinterest also comes with in-built SEO, since the platform creates a stored link each time a user pins an image to a Pinterest board. These “stored links” function just like inbound links and will help boost your profile and your Pins in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Just like Instagram, Pinterest is another highly visual social network, making it ideal for sharing images, short videos or infographics. Video Pins are a big trend at the moment – check out our guild all-about them here. If you’re already using a lot of visual content in your marketing, using Pinterest should be an easy addition to your strategy.
Finally, it’s estimated that about 85% of all Pinterest-driven traffic is by women. So if you’re targeting a female demographic, being on Pinterest is a must!

On the downside, there’s been quite a bit of controversy surrounding copyright issues on Pinterest. As with most social media platforms, this is mostly due to users sharing other people’s content without permission. Of course, if you’re sharing your own content, you won’t have to worry about this – but if you’re sharing other people’s content, know that you could get yourself into trouble if you’re not careful.

Finally, marketers can also choose to advertise on Pinterest, which if done properly, can be extremely effective at generating traffic and helping you grow your brand.

#Pinterest Creator Pro Tip: Rich Pins

Pinterest has become almost like its own search engine, which means that, today, rich pins are an easy and effective way to add more context to your posts.

Many brands and companies have begun using Rich Pins on Pinterest, which is something that requires a process to set up. For starters, you’ll need to have a website for the pin to pull its data from, and you’ll also need to apply for permission to use them on your account.

Rich Pins work by using metadata from your website. Once you’ve been granted access to use Rich Pins, any posts on your site that contain metadata will automatically be turned into a Rich Pin on Pinterest after a user saves it.

Essentially, this is an easy way to automate for any Pinterest creator to move content between their website and Pinterest.

Example Of Rich Pins In Action

Whole Foods uses Rich Pins to inform its potential customers, and some 492,000 followers about both its products, as well as recipes.

The health-focused superstore’s Rich Pins are tied to its website and provide information on the various healthy, organic, and/or ethically sourced food available in its brick and mortar locations.

Additionally, recipes that utilize products found in Whole Foods are also a focus of the brand’s Rich Pins on Pinterest, making them extra valuable to other users since they get the benefit of learning how to cook a new meal, while the brand gains the benefit of being able to display its products in a non-intrusive way. 

6. TikTok

Initially launched back in 2017, it wasn’t until a year later, in 2018, that Tik Tok was officially launched on the full global app market. But since then, the app has quickly grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms of all time. 

social media content creation tiktok dance video

In fact, it’s currently estimated that Tik Tok boasts some 800 million active users, placing it as one of the top 10 most popular social media platforms to have ever hit the markets. 

Essentially, Tik Tok is a social media platform that allows its users to create short, one minute videos, which can be edited using a range of audio and visual tools provided within the app itself. 

Additionally, users can also upload (choose your publishing day and time wisely) their own video content, recorded outside of the app, to share on the platform. Although, initially, most people started using Tik Tok to create short lip-sync videos. Today, people are using Tik Tok to create all sorts of short, which tend to be better when they’re comedic or humor-based.  

However, one thing that sets truly Tik Tok apart from other competing social media platforms is that it’s most often used by a significantly younger population. In fact, about half of the platform’s global users are thought to be below the age of 34, with another 26% of the platform’s users expected to be between the ages of 18 and 24.

Therefore, especially for brands that are looking to target younger audience demographics, marketing, and promoting themselves on Tik Tok is a must in today’s extremely competitive business environment. 

One other interesting facet of marketing on TikTok is that videos are generally limited to only being one minute in length

Although users can string multiple videos together to create longer stories using Tik Tok, this time constraint makes it a bit more challenging for content creators to create good-quality content, without it being long or drawn out. 

Additionally, Tik Tok’s global audience is known for being notoriously picky about who actually gains popularity and makes it big on the platform. In other words, there are far fewer fake accounts with massive followings that don’t actually create any good quality, valuable content. 

While this is great at reducing spammy content on the platform itself, it also means that if your content isn’t genuinely interesting, funny, valuable, or entertaining in any way, shape, or form, it’s not likely going to gain much traction amongst Tik Tok users. 

On the other hand, brands that are actually able to successfully create genuinely valuable content on Tik Tok can easily reach a massive global audience of some 800 million active users. Check out Boosted’s TikTok video maker to create sleek videos with professional templates.

So, although Tik Tok may not be the largest or most popular social media network currently available, it certainly can be a powerful social channel for some brands, especially those that are targeting younger demographics below the age of 34.

#TikTok Content Creator Pro Tip: Create TikTok Challenges

There is something about TikTok that makes challenges a particularly successful way to engage with followers. Perhaps it’s that the platform is dedicated to short videos, and is famous for its viral video challenges that generally only take 15 seconds.

The short nature of TikTok content creator videos ensure that videos won’t including any unnecessary content.

Be sure to include hashtags in with your challenge as well. Hashtags are what get TikTok videos trending, and can help your posts go viral.

If the Ice Bucket Challenge hadn’t attached #IceBucketChallenge to its posts, it would have ended after the first person took part. TikTok wasn’t around back then when that challenge was going on, but it seems the platform’s founders were paying close attention on how to get their platform’s videos noticed.

TikTok Creators Include Major Companies

The popular restaurant chain, Chipotle, has 1.2 million followers on the platform. And with tag lines such as “Less Tok, More Guac” their success on TikTok is perhaps not surprising.

But this brand really does know just how to get its TikToks to get noticed.

They challenged their followers to showcase their #GuacDance for National Avocado Day..

Users were encouraged to send in a dance video inspired by the infamous dip, and people did just that in droves. In fact, over a quarter of a million people sent in a TikTok of their GuacDance.

That’s a lot of Guacamole fans! And a whole lot of brand exposure for Chipotle!


7. LinkedIn 

Although people often overlook it as a social media platform, those who do take advantage of LinkedIn’s powerful network of business professionals and organizations can easily reach massive new audiences. 

In fact, LinkedIn is estimated to have a total of about 675 million users, of which, 310 million are active on a monthly basis. Additionally, roughly 24% of millennials between the ages of 18 and 24 are currently present on the platform, with an estimated 46 million of them being either students or recent graduates. 

And not only that, but LinkedIn also makes up approximately half of all social media traffic to business-to-business (B2B) blogs and websites. In fact, a whopping 92% of B2B marketing professionals say that LinkedIn plays an important role in their marketing mix. 

In other words, LinkedIn is another ideal platform for both brands that are looking at younger demographics, brands that are looking to sell to other businesses, or a combination of both. 

Want to know one more, in my opinion, even more important reason why you, your personal brand, and your business need to be active on LinkedIn? 

Well, let me tell ya’, roughly 75% of all LinkedIn users have an average income above $50,000 per year, and an estimated 41% of all millionaires of thought to be professionally active on the platform. 

So, for individuals or businesses that are looking to earn a higher income, or those that want to interact with, network with, and build relationships with a ton of highly successful individuals, there’s no better social platform than LinkedIn. 

Finally, one other interesting statistic about LinkedIn is that roughly one out of every six users actively seeks out industry insights on the platform. In other words, LinkedIn isn’t only a great platform for creating and distributing content, but it’s also a great place to look at trending information about your industry, which can help you create better, more poignant, industry-leading content in the future. 

#LinkedIn Content Creators Pro Tip: Photo Editing

A wise businessperson once said that no matter what field you are in, you are actually in sales. The reason for this is that we all have to sell ourselves at some point, which is exactly where LinkedIn comes into play.

The purpose of LinkedIn as a professional social media platform is for us to showcase our knowledge, experience, and expertise, and to allow us to advertise this to the people who may one day hire us for those very things. So, in a sense, anyone with a profile is effectively a LinkedIn content creator.

With that said, both your photo and your background photo are a chance for you to advertise your skills, while helping to make a better first impression to potential employers.

They say you should dress for the job you want and not the job you have, and this philosophy applies to your images on LinkedIn as well. So make sure to dress well and to make sure your image looks professional and friendly.

You can also fill your background photo on LinkedIn with evidence of your skills as well.

For instance, if you were a freelance writer, images with clips of your work could fill your background photo. Or, if you’re an expert in your field, you might fill your background photo with images of you speaking at events, which displays both your experience and expertise.

A strong background photo will jump out at anyone who looks at your profile, giving you an edge over anyone just utilizing the basic blue background.

Example Of High-Quality Imagery In Action

There are numerous examples of brands utilizing their background photo on LinkedIn, but one that stands out in its simplicity is from The Lego Group, which boasts an impressive 664,857 followers.

In fact, this is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, and seemingly, really shouldn’t have to do very much to inform people about its products.

Yet with a simple tag line reading “Inspiring and developing the builders of tomorrow” and a background photo of young kids building with Legos, the brand instills the idea of Legos being an educational activity for growing children and adults, all within the confines of the image on their LinkedIn profile.

8. Snapchat

Although Snapchat may not be quite as popular as it was when it was first launched back in 2011, there’s no doubting the fact that it can still be a versatile, and powerful marketing platform for content creators who use it appropriately. 

In fact, even today, Snapchat is still considered as one of the top social media platforms out there, especially amongst younger, teenage demographics. Acording to Hootsuite, at the beginning of 2020, there are approximately 218 million active Snapchat users every single day. 

And additionally, it’s estimated that roughly 82% of Snapchat users are under the age of 34. 

So, although Snapchat marketing might not be right for every brand out there, those that are targeting millennials would be hard-done-by to not to be using this extremely popular social platform. 

In fact, while the platform is mainly designed for its users to interact and exchange snaps with their friends, Snapchat users are thought to be about 60% more likely to make an impulse purchase from a brand while using the app. 

Therefore, brands that are able to get themselves featured on Snapchat’s Discover page can easily reach a rather vast audience of younger consumers, while also increasing their odds of successfully selling their products or services on the platform. 

However, unlike LinkedIn, Snapchat is meant to be more fun and a bit more of a playful social network. In other words, Snapchat is a great platform to use for brands that are looking to show a more casual side of their business. 

It’s also good to note that the platform offers specific accounts for brands and businesses that want to be active on the platform. When using a Snapchat Business account, users get access to more features, which cannot be accessed when using a basic Snapchat account. 

In essence, these extra features allow brands to support their marketing strategies and gain deeper insights into their performance on the platform. 

For instance, Business accounts will gain access to being able to advertise on the platform using the Snapchat Ads Manager, as well as being able to target content specifically based on either age or location in order to reach a more targeted audience. 

#Snapchat Content Creator Pro Tip: Filters

Snapchat is all about filters, and as a social media content creation expert, you’ll need to make use of them if you want to attain success on this platform.

In fact, filters can do much more than you likely realize, and are being developed and evolving every day. Filters can add images, animation, and text to your posts, and these visuals can go a long way in improving your post’s reach.

In fact, a good Snapchat influencer will learn how to tell a story by using their filters.

For instance, if you are sharing pictures about a trip you went on, a filter can be used to display the date, time, and even the temperature of that location.

These help to provide a little bit of context to your photos and this will help your followers feel connected with you.

Using filters in multiple photos as part of a story chain can help you tell a full story through images in a way that’s not really possible on other platforms. The more creative you are with your filters, the more your posts will stand out.

Snapchat Content Creators are Still Making Waves:

According to some followers, famous snapchat influencer, CyreneQ, is more filter than human at this point. In fact, she is a young graphic artist that has really found her niche in the realm of Snapchat.

Also active on other social platforms, there is something about CyreneQ’s Snapchat stories that just fits with her creative knack.

In fact, today, her net worth is estimated at between $1 million and $5 million, and much of her social media fame is related to her use of Snapchat content creation to connect with and engage her fans.

But her fans engage with her because of the countlessly creative ways that she uses the artistic options and filters made available in Snapchat.

3 Of The Top Social Media Content Creators Worth Checking Out: 

Wondering who the biggest names are in social media content creation? By studying the biggest names in social media, content creators can easily gain a much better understanding of how to lead successful social campaigns, as well as how to simply market themselves properly online.

The idea is simple: study the things that the world’s best content creators are doing, and then learn to create similar content as a reflection of your own brand and the products or services that you offer.  

But today, there are literally thousands upon thousands of people out there who are earning a living by creating content on social media. 

1. Jordyn Jones

After gaining well over 6.1 million Instagram followers in only a few short years, most people are reluctant to believe that Jordyn Jones is only 20 years old. 

However, despite her age, Jones has already worked with hundreds of large and small brands alike, creating and publishing content on her social media accounts, and has earned herself millions of dollars while doing it.


Jones’ name first came to the limelight when she starred as on competitor on the famous dance reality TV series, Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition. She then started gaining a bit more popularity after covering the Iggy Azalea song “Fancy” and then launching her own Snapchat show called Throwback Toys. 

Last year, in 2019, it was estimated that Jordyn Jones had a net worth of somewhere between $1 and $5 million. 

2. Raymond Braun

Originally based out of Los Angeles, Raymond Braun is much more than just a social media personality. In fact, he’s a famous social media content creator who also fights for good causes as well. 

In fact, a few years ago, Braun was named All-Star on the Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list after designing, pioneering, and managing the wildly popular #ProudToLove hashtag campaign across multiple social media platforms. 

Today, Braun is known for his continued support of the LGBT community, as well as advocating for a wide range of youth-related issues. In 2019, Braun’s net worth was estimated at somewhere between $1 and $5 million. 


3. Lo Bosworth

Don’t underestimate Lo simply because she was on an MTV reality show a few years ago; she has parlayed her initial fame into a legitimate social media content creation career. After wrapping up the TV series The Hills, followed by Laguna Beach, Bosworth turned to social media and found herself a new, even larger audience as a blogger and content creator. 

Today, Bosworth has built a massive home and lifestyle brand that has often been referred to as a more modernized version of the Martha Stewart Show. Based on virtually everything there is to know about simple, everyday life, Bosworth’s brand primarily promotes the homemade/handmade DIY lifestyle. 

In fact, when you check out her on her social media channels, Lo keeps things down-to-earth, which makes it hard to believe that she was once a reality TV starlet. 

In other words, her content is real and feels human. And this helps it connect to average, everyday type of people, which is probably why she currently boasts a following of about 850,000 on Instagram alone, and her net worth is estimated at well over $3 million. 

Choosing The Right Social Media Content Creation Platform For Your Brand in 2021

Overall, each social media platform comes with its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Although they can all be powerful marketing tools, not all of them are going to be the right fit for your brand. Facebook is excellent if you want to target a broader age group, or even if you want to hyper-focus your targeting.

While other platforms, like YouTube, are ideal if you will mainly be creating video content. Take the time to focus on your brand’s marketing priorities and then decide which social media platform best suits your needs, to help you become the ultimate content creator in 2021.

Featured image source: Unsplash

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