What Should I Post on Social Media During These Unprecedented Times?

As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, millions are currently quarantined and living in a continual state of unknown. During this chaotic time, what exactly is the posting protocol on social media?

As a small business owner, you’ve probably asked yourself this question recently – especially now that the masses are spending most of their waking hours online. As the world practices social distancing, social media provides a platform for digital connection.

Here are 6 social media content suggestions for your brand, for right now.

1. Share your story

If you’re open to getting personal – share a post detailing how you and your business have been affected by COVID-19. Within the copy, be sure to tell your audience how they can best support you – whether it’s signing up for your virtual class or shopping your online store. Here’s some inspiration from UK-based small biz @chocolateeha, who authentically shared their current business experience and offerings:


Pro tip: For the CTA (call to action) at the end of your post, ask your followers to comment below with how they’ve been impacted as well. This will enable you to create a personal connection with your audience, as well as build a sense of community.

2. Social-conscious content

From inspiring your audience to wash their hands regularly to sharing tips on how to make the most of your time at home – now is a great time to create thoughtful social-conscious content. Here’s some inspiration from @Boosted_Social:


3. Continue with your niche

Your audience is following you for a reason! Keep posting about your area of expertise and product or service, while still being mindful of the current global situation. Tweak your content accordingly – for example, if you’re a fitness instructor, share some at-home workout tips, even if you would normally write about the benefits of outdoor running.

Here’s a great post from graphic designer @jindesigns – she connects her expertise (marketing) with current events:


4. Motivational content

Share an inspiring #qotd or saying to uplift your audience during this tough time. ⁠Monday generally works best for sharing motivational content, as it provides an opportunity to fuel your followers with inspiring words to kickstart their workweek. Strive to be original – try to avoid quotes that are overused or saturated (think: ‘Dream big!). Lastly, strive to create a tie-in between the content and your brand.

Instagram Marketer @elisedarma recently shared some timely motivational content (swipe to see the quote):


5. Humorous Content

With such a heavy news cycle, many people want to consume light, funny content when they scroll their social feeds. Share on-brand and relevant memes, jokes or amusing video clips for your brand. Pro tip: When sharing humorous content, be sure that it’s tasteful and lighthearted instead of potentially making light of a serious situation.

Here’s a relatable and current graphic created by Illustrator @kaydenhines:


6. Ask your audience

Go straight to the source – your following! Share a story using the question sticker, asking your audience what type of content they’d like to see from you next. You can also create a feed post with a CTA prompting your audience to respond with their content/topic requests in the comments.

Sift through the responses and implement the best suggestions to your updated content strategy.

Note: If you’re looking for ways to support small businesses right now, read 5 Ways to Support Small Businesses Through Tough Times. If you’re a small business owner, check out our guide: 3 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Social Media to Survive Difficult Times.


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